Onsite wind tech training – Spring Summer locations

onsite wind tech training

Train onsite with STL USA

Onsite wind tech training 2024 

Having already conducted over 10 onsite GWO training courses this year it feels kind of weird discussing the summer program. But, the summer months are when STL USA traditionally tours the USA visiting wind farms to deliver GWO and QEW training for our customers.

This year we will be touring the northern Mid-West, North Eastern States, California, Oregon, and Washington state as well as delivering courses closer to home in Texas and the surrounding states.

Save money training onsite

Training onsite is a perfect way to reduce the costs associated with training. Cut down on hotel and travel costs by having your technicians train at their usual workplace.

Technicians like onsite

Training onsite means your crews don’t have to be away from home for extended periods. Once training is finished they can pack up and head home as usual. Training onsite also means your people are onsite if and or when they may be required to jump into something. They can’t do this if they’re halfway across the country.

Practice on the turbine

STL USA takes a custom training trailer for onsite course delivery but this doesn’t mean the turbine is off-limits. In fact STL USA instructors favor an approach whereby rescues are taught using the trailer and practiced in the turbine to ensure the technicians are totally familiar with their working environment and how to implement a rescue on the equipment they use.

Rescue plans

As an extension of turbine practice, the STL USA team can also work closely with the technicians to create a detailed rescue plan, using the skills they’ve learned in the environment they work in. This value added on top of the GWO rescue training ensures an extra layer of safety for those technicians taking part.

Flexibility built-in

We know things happen, and that’s why STL USA builds flexibility for onsite training to ensure attendees complete their course and get their certs. Our onsite GWO training courses, and delivered by highly experienced instructors with years of field experience, they are more than happy to adapt to every situation whether that be the weather, an issue onsite or anything else! 

Onsite States Served

Interested in Onsite? 

Click the link to learn more 

WindStart Graduates – Izac’s story

windstart graduate

WindStart graduates

Izac’s story 

Izac is one of the first students to graduate through the get into wind STL USA WindStart program.

Like many people Izac’s story is something we hear regularly, a young keen individual looking to break into the wind industry but struggling to find his first break. After applying for positions directly and not making any progress Izac was introduced to us by another technician.

Izac began his WindStart journey in March completing his GWO certs (BST, BTT, ART), Confined Space Awareness and finally Qualified Electrical Worker and his technical introduction.

STL USA via our recruitment partner WindTech.Careers have passed his resume to over 100 employers in wind and Izac is now well on way to gaining his first position in the industry.

The goal of WindStart is to help people exactly like Izac, with no experience, get into the wind sector. Izac now has a full list of industry certifications, something that makes him an extremely attractive new hire for any organisation. 

Why? There are a number of reasons why WindStart graduates are perfect new hires:

  • They come with over $10,000 worth of certs employers would otherwise have to pay an external provider for
  • They come with a basic technical grounding in wind
  • They’re keen, WindStart is a big commitment
WindStart certification

WindStart courses include:

  • GWO Basic Safety Training
  • GWO Basic Technical Training
  • GWO Advanced Rescue Training
  • Qualified Electrical worker to NFPA 70E Low & High Voltage
  • GWO Control of Hazardous Energies
  • Confined Space Awareness
  • Technical introduction to wind

Working alongside 100+ customers in wind gives STL USA unrivalled access to employers across the country. Coupled to the massive demand for new hires in the wind sector, WindStart graduates find themselves in high demand the minute they finish their course.

A key aspect of the WindStart program is helping the students to complete a resume, adding this to our partner company WindTech.Careers database and helping to apply for jobs.


Funding options are available from a range of areas to support students with course fees. From State level WIOA funding, Sallie Mae loans, Federal funding and more. Talk to us about your situation and we will support you with the most applicable funding solution.

Interested in WindStart? 

Click the link to learn more 

WindStart Program Lead – Introducing Jeremy McKelvain

windstart program lead jeremy mckelvain

WindStart news

The WindStart program is gathering pace

WindStart has been designed to help people get into wind. As the program grows and develops we wanted to take an opportunity to introduce the driving force behind WindStart, Jeremy McKelvain. Jeremy has been working tirelessly to secure funding, getting on the road to meet the next generation of potential wind technicians and building out the program. 

WindStart is all about delivering on the industry needs, but more accurately, ambitions for growth over the coming years. To get to where we all want to be, we need to grow the workforce and that’s something STL USA is well positioned to do through our training, access to funding for ‘new to the sector’ people and our links to employers across the industry.

It may seem like a big ambition but STL USA is all about solutions. We’ve been to way too many conferences where, time and again, key players talk to us about the challenges they are facing in recruitment. STL USA as a team relish the opportunity to play a key role in providing a solution to this and Jeremy is the man tasked with making that happen!

With this in mind, we thought it was a great opportunity to shine a light on what makes Jeremy tick. So we’ve asked him a few questions to give you some insight into his background and his thoughts on WindStart.

Tell us about your background?

“I retired as a Master Sergeant after 20 years of service in the US Air Force, where I gained extensive experience in technical and leadership roles. Post-military, I was drawn to the renewable energy sector due to its growth potential and the opportunity to apply my skills in a meaningful way. With WindStart, I’ve been focusing on technical training and certification for new wind technicians.”

You served for several years; what attracted you to the wind industry?

“What attracted me to the wind industry was the dynamic nature of the work and the opportunity to continue serving in a capacity that benefits society. The industry’s focus on sustainability and innovation aligns well with my personal values and my professional skills in managing complex technical operations and training programs.”

You get to meet lots of people keen on wind; what do you enjoy most?

“I most enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping to shape the careers of aspiring wind technicians. It’s rewarding to see new technicians grow and succeed. The enthusiasm and commitment they bring are inspiring, and it reminds me of the camaraderie and dedication I valued in the Air Force.”

Any career fairs coming up where people can meet you?

“Yes, WindStart will be participating in several career fairs across the nation in the coming months. These events are great opportunities for those interested in entering the wind industry to learn more about our training programs and career opportunities.”

What do you see as the future of WindStart?

“The future of WindStart is incredibly promising. As the wind sector continues to expand, the demand for skilled technicians will only grow. We aim to be at the forefront of training excellence, helping to meet the industry’s needs with well-prepared, certified technicians. I believe WindStart will play a crucial role in supporting the renewable energy goals of the nation through quality education and training.”

Interested in WindStart? 

Click the link to learn more 

WindStart – Recruiting the next generation of wind techs

WindStart news

Career Fair Riviera, Texas update

Working at the early college job and career fair for STL USA’s WindStart program in Riviera, Texas, alongside Ventos Power Plus was an exhilarating experience. As representatives of a pioneering initiative aimed at fostering talent in renewable energy, our booth stood out among the 30 others, drawing the attention of around 300 eager early college candidates.

Our role at the fair was multifaceted. We were not only ambassadors of the WindStart Get into Wind program but also advocates for the renewable energy industry as a whole. Engaging with prospective candidates, we showcased the myriad opportunities available in the field. Through interactive demonstrations and informative presentations, we aimed to ignite passion for a future career as a wind turbine technician. As candidates explored our booth, we shared insights into the dynamic world of wind energy, highlighting its crucial role technicians play in the industry. 

Our next Texas fair is in Amarillo, details below, come and say hi!!

WindStart certification

WindStart courses include:

  • GWO Basic Safety Training
  • GWO Basic Technical Training
  • GWO Advanced Rescue Training
  • Qualified ELectrical worker to NFPA 70E Low & High Voltage
  • GWO Control of Hazardous Energies
  • Confined Space Awareness

Working alongside 100+ customers in wind gives STL USA unrivalled access to employers across the country. Coupled to the massive demand for new hires in the wind sector, WindStart graduates find themselves in high demand the minute they finish their course.

A key aspect of the WindStart program is helping the students to complete a resume, adding this to our partner company WindTech.Careers database and helping to apply for jobs.


Funding options are available from a range of areas to support students with course fees. From State level WIOA funding, Sally Mae loans, Federal funding and more. Talk to us about your situation and we will support you with the most applicable funding solution.

Latest Job Fair

Recruiting the next generation of wind techs

Join us in Amarillo and learn more about how STL USA can fast track your entry to the wind industry.

Where: Amarillo Civic Center,401 S Buchanan St, Amarillo, TX 79101

When: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024. 10am-2pm

We hope to see you there!

Interested in WindStart? 

Click the link to learn more 

Electrical Safety – NFPA 70E for Wind Techs

NFPA 70E for wind techs

NFPA 70E for wind techs

NFPA 70E for wind techs is becoming a must have. Many OEM now require this from their contractors and owner operators are increasingly adopting NFPA 70E courses as part of their training programs.

With this in mind here’s a quick overview of the course STL USA offers. 

Low and High Voltage Electrical Safety Training

The combined Low & High Voltage Electrical safety course to standard NFPA 70E from STL USA is a two-day face-to-face training course suitable for wind technicians across the spectrum. Specifically designed to equip wind technicians with electrical safety knowledge, best work practices in electrical safety, and how to apply them in real-world situations.

Course modules

The combined low and high-voltage course takes place over two training days.

Low Voltage

This course provides a thorough knowledge of the recommended safe behaviors for those who work around electrical hazards. Attendees gain an understanding of the latest guidelines and regulations from NFPA 70E and OSHA. Electrical workers and safety professionals learn key practical information: best work practices in electrical safety and how to apply them in real-world situations.

High Voltage

The second half of this course addresses the potential electrical hazards and safety practices specific to industrial high-voltage systems. Working on or around these types of systems requires additional knowledge and training on the relevant hazards and safety measures. Attendees in this class focus on the safety procedures, line tools, and mobile equipment considerations related to qualified high-voltage tasks. As part of the course, students work in small groups to apply what they have learned to preparing and presenting a pre-work briefing of a practical situation.

References: OSHA Regulations (as applicable), Current NFPA 70E Standard


Learn More & Book 

Click the link to get in touch 

STL USA News March 2024 – OMS follow-up, Boroscope training, and more

STL USA news March 2024

STL USA News March 2024

Lots to report on over the last month or so. STL USA attended the ACP OMS show in San Diego, the finishing touches are being put together on a new Boroscope course in partnership with Evident Scientific (Olympus Scientific Solutions), we’re in full swing with Full Service Training for Wind and we are looking at the changing OEM training requirements for 2024. 

OMS 2024, San Diego

STL USA attended the ACP OMS show in San Diego this year. We are regulars of the event and it’s a date the whole team looks forward to. This year was a little bit special as we were presenting our new business proposition that ties together industry certification, skills and competency training, and our WindStart program for new industry recruits.

Part of our long-term strategy to provide solutions to the growth challenges the wind sector faces in the USA, the full-service model provides a full suite of training solutions, hiring solutions, and access to funding. Why? because we know that the growth we anticipate can only be achieved through high levels of competency and programs that bring new, keen people into the great sector we work in. 

Read more about Full Service training for wind here

Boroscope training courses

Over the last few months, STL USA has been working closely with our good friends at Evident Scientific to launch a market-leading Boroscope training course. 

As many of you know this is a vital piece of equipment used to assess key turbine components. Launching soon the course is aimed at anyone who is required to use a Boroscope as part of their day-to-day. Conducted using the gearbox set-up at STL USA’s North 1st facility the training will be a unique combination of Evident’s equipment and STL USA’s hands-on teaching.

*A waiting list already exists for this course, demand has been exceptionally high. Reach out to the STL USA team to find out more.*

Contact the team for more information, here.

Changing landscape of OEM certificate requirements

2024 has brought in several requirement changes for sub-contractors in the wind space. Much of this is being driven by the adoption of GWO standards across the industry and requirements for Electrical Safety Training to NFPA 70E.

As a key training partner for major OEMs, including GE and SGRE STL has all the certified courses on offer that you would require to meet their needs. 

These courses can be delivered from a training center or onsite depending on your requirements.

Get in touch here for more information

2024 what’s coming up

The whole team at STL USA is super excited to see what the year brings. New training solutions, programs to encourage people into the industry, and hiring services for our large pool of partners! 

One thing that will remain constant at STL USa is our commitment to safety, quality, great facilities, and a great team.

PS, we forgot to mention Captain Safety made an appreance in San Diego, here he is with Tom Cruise!

Captain Safety

Got a question? Contact Us. 

Click the link to get in touch with the team 

Full service training for wind: Launching at O&M 2024

O&M 2024 STL USA

O&M 2024

This year O&M 2024 sees the launch of STL USA’s integrated training and hiring solution, Full Service Training for WInd.

Combining the great training and reputation built by STL USA and the demands of the industry over the next 5-10 years.

Full-service training for Wind is a workforce solution that provides solutions for the biggest problems facing our sector in the coming years. Namely, our ability to hire, train and develop our technician workforce.

Industry certification

STL USA has a full suite of industry certification training, including GWO and Qualified Electrical Worker training to NFPA 70E (2024). These courses form the backbone of a technician’s training program. GWO certs are the default requirement for virtually every field-based worker in wind. Increasingly Qualified Electrical workers are also becoming a must-have cert in the technician’s locker. STL USA runs weekly courses across the full range of industry certifications with a significant capacity to train large numbers of technicians as required.

Popular courses include; GWO Basic Safety Training, GWO Basic Technical Training, and GWO Advanced Rescue Training as well as a host of other GWO courses and Qualified Electrical Worker courses.

View the range of GWO Courses.

Skills and competency

The demand for new hires into wind is increasing exponentially. With this comes the added pressure employers face to turn those new hires into wind technicians. STL USA’s skills and competency training is designed specifically to build and enhance a technicians technical and practical knowledge. 

Courses come in two styles, the Basic Intro packages are of-the-shelf courses that group common modules together for an easy plugin solution. Bespoke wind and foundational skills allow an employer to build out a training program that meets their exact needs by selecting from over 30 training modules to build out their program.

Learn more about Wind Technician Technical Training

WindStart funded training and hiring

The WindStart program is a funded training program designed to bring new people into wind and offer employers and easy route to hiring qualified technicians. The program accesses State and National level funding to keep course fees super low for students and provides employers a funnel of certified techs that would otherwise cost tens of thousands to train.

WindStart completes STL USA’s Full Service Training for Wind solution, aiming to solve probably the biggest challenge faced by the sector in the next 10 years.

WindStart programs run for 3 or 4 weeks, include all the must-have GWO certs, Electrical safety and, in the 4 week program, a week of technical introduction to wind energy.

Learn more about WindStart


Learn more, come speak with us at O&M 2024

At O&M 2024 we will be discussing Full Service Training for Wind and how each component of our offer can support your business in this period of growth.

You can find us at Booth 406, February 21-23, 2024 | Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego

O&M 2024


Organise a time to speak? 

Click the link to get in touch with the team 

Become a wind technician with WindStart

GWO accredition for training courses

Start your wind technician career.

In our latest blog, we focus on how to become a wind technician with STL USA’s WindStart program. 

The WindStart program has been specifically designed to support people looking to get into the wind industry and the increasing demands of employers for new hires. The program includes a number of funding solutions that ensure the training course is low to no cost for many applicants. Employers join the program as hiring partners gaining access to a fully certified pool of new hires.

What is a Wind Technician?

Wind technicians install, inspect, maintain, operate, and repair wind turbines. Although technicians work across the full spectrum from installation to demolition and re-power the vast majority are involved in maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing turbines. Read more about the role on The Department Of Energy website,. here

What draws people to wind is the opportunity, salaries are high, and it truly is a career that can take you places. 

What is WindStart?

WindStart is a 3 or 4-week program designed to equip people new to wind with the industry certifications and basic knowledge to join new hire programs in wind. WindStart supercharges employability providing the candidate with key certification, including GWO and Electrical safety, plus a good basic grounding in skills and competency. This instantly places WindStart graduates at the top of the pile for hiring managers.

Am I guaranteed a job?

STL USA have a very large base of employers that are signed onto the program, many of these already use STL USA’s training services for their in house people and they are hiring large numbers of new people each year. On top of that the sector in the USA is growing fast, that’s not slowing down in the next 5-10 years. In fact hiring is probably one of the biggest challenges employers face, WindStart graduates are the most employable new hires in the country.

WindStart for employers

WindStart isn’t just about students. Becoming a wind technician is kind of difficult without employers to make it happen. The WindStart panel of employers have the pick of new hires that have passed through the program, come with GWO and Electrical safety qualifications and are commited to a career in wind energy. Employers have a bunch of options to make the program work for their new hire and training goals. They can simply pick up graduates as they come out of the program, they can shunt new hires they have sourced through the program or they can sponsor places in the program. The final option means STL USA will manage all the training and hiring needs for the employer.

Why is WindStart a better option for employers?

We all know how hard hiring is in wind energy at the moment, STL USA take care of this, train the candidate and hand them over to the employer ready to go saving significant amounts of time and money. Without WindStart employers have to go through the full hiring process, pay to get the person certified and take a big chance on whether that person will even work out.

How do i find out more?

Simply click the link below and regsiter your interest in the WindStart program, a member of the team will reach out to you and talk you through how WindStart can benefit you.


Interested in WindStart? 

Click the link to find out more 

Join STL USA at ACP’s Operations and Maintenance show 2024

O&M 2024, join us at booth 406.

In the quest for a sustainable and greener future, the American Clean Power Association (ACPA) has been at the forefront of promoting clean energy solutions. The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Show 2024, hosted by ACPA in San Diego, emerges as a pivotal event, bringing together industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the latest advancements in clean power technologies. This article delves into the significance of the ACPA O&M Show 2024, shedding light on its objectives, participants, and the potential impact on the clean energy landscape.

The American Clean Power Association:

Founded with the mission of accelerating the transition to a renewable energy-powered future, the American Clean Power Association has played a vital role in advocating for policies that support clean energy development. Comprising wind, solar, storage, and transmission companies, the ACPA serves as a unified voice for the clean power industry, fostering collaboration, innovation, and sustainable growth.

The O&M Show 2024:

The Operations and Maintenance Show organized by the ACPA is a testament to the industry’s commitment to ensuring the reliability and efficiency of clean power infrastructure. Scheduled to take place in the vibrant city of San Diego, the 2024 edition promises to be a platform where stakeholders converge to discuss, showcase, and learn about the latest trends, challenges, and breakthroughs in operations and maintenance within the clean power sector.

Objectives of the O&M Show:

  1. Knowledge Exchange: One of the primary goals of the O&M Show is to facilitate knowledge exchange among professionals in the clean power industry. With sessions covering a wide array of topics, from predictive maintenance to data analytics and cybersecurity, participants can gain insights into the latest technologies and best practices that enhance the operational efficiency of clean energy systems.

  2. Networking Opportunities: The O&M Show serves as a hub for networking, bringing together key players in the clean power sector. Participants can engage in discussions, establish collaborations, and build relationships that are essential for the growth and success of the industry. From project developers to equipment suppliers and service providers, the event attracts a diverse range of stakeholders.

  3. Showcasing Innovations: The exhibition component of the O&M Show provides a platform for companies to showcase their latest innovations in operations and maintenance technologies. Attendees can explore cutting-edge solutions, ranging from advanced monitoring systems to robotics and artificial intelligence applications, that are shaping the future of clean energy maintenance.

Participants and Speakers:

The O&M Show 2024 is expected to draw a diverse and influential group of participants. Industry leaders, policymakers, researchers, and technology providers will converge to share their expertise and contribute to the collective knowledge pool. Keynote speakers, representing both established companies and emerging startups, will address critical issues and offer insights into the evolving landscape of clean power operations and maintenance.

  1. Industry Leaders: CEOs and executives from prominent clean power companies will share their perspectives on the industry’s current state and future trajectory. Discussions may revolve around market trends, policy implications, and strategies for overcoming challenges in operations and maintenance.

  2. Policymakers: Policymakers play a crucial role in shaping the regulatory environment for the clean power sector. Representatives from government agencies will provide insights into the latest policies affecting operations and maintenance practices, fostering a better understanding of the broader regulatory landscape.

  3. Researchers and Innovators: Scientists, researchers, and innovators will present the latest advancements in technology and methodologies for improving the reliability and performance of clean energy systems. Topics may include developments in predictive maintenance, advanced monitoring, and the integration of emerging technologies like blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT).

  4. Service Providers: Companies offering operations and maintenance services, ranging from equipment maintenance to data analytics and cybersecurity, will showcase their capabilities. This diverse group of service providers plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of clean power infrastructure.

The San Diego Venue:

San Diego, known for its picturesque landscapes and forward-thinking environmental policies, serves as an ideal backdrop for the O&M Show. The city’s commitment to sustainability aligns with the goals of the clean power industry, creating a synergistic environment for meaningful discussions and collaboration. Participants can also explore San Diego’s clean energy initiatives, from solar-powered infrastructure to innovative waste management practices.

Anticipated Themes and Sessions:

This years O&M Show 2024 is expected to cover a wide range of themes and topics relevant to the clean power industry’s operations and maintenance sector. Some anticipated themes include:

  1. Predictive Maintenance: Exploring the latest advancements in predictive maintenance technologies that leverage data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to anticipate and address potential issues before they impact system performance.

  2. Cybersecurity in Clean Energy: Addressing the growing concerns around cybersecurity in the clean power sector and discussing strategies to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats.

  3. Asset Management and Optimization: Examining best practices for asset management, performance optimization, and extending the lifespan of clean energy assets.

  4. Innovations in Monitoring Technologies: Showcasing the latest innovations in monitoring technologies, including remote sensing, drones, and satellite imagery, for enhanced visibility and control over clean energy systems.

  5. Grid Integration and Transmission: Discussing the challenges and opportunities associated with grid integration, transmission, and the role of clean power in building a resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure.

  6. Workforce Development: Addressing the need for skilled professionals in the clean power industry and exploring initiatives for workforce development and training programs.


The American Clean Power Association Operations and Maintenance Show 2024 in San Diego stands as a pivotal event that brings together the brightest minds and key players in the clean power industry. By fostering knowledge exchange, networking opportunities, and the showcasing of cutting-edge innovations, the event is poised to contribute significantly to the advancement of operations and maintenance practices within the clean energy sector. As the world continues its transition towards a sustainable future, the insights and collaborations forged at the O&M Show are expected to play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of the clean power industry for years to come.


Interested in training with STL USA? 

Click the link to find out more 

Technical training and electrical safety in STL USA’s brand new facility

Technical training courses for wind technicians

Dedicated facilities for technical and electrical.

STL USA is constantly innovating the facilities we use for training courses to offer the best learning experience we can for our attendees. As it becomes increasingly relevant for training providers like STL USA to be in a position to support the massive sector growth we are experiencing this puts a clear emphasis on the facilities we have and the broad range of training we offer. Launching this year STL USA’s wind tech training facilities at North 1st Abilene are dedicated to skills, competency, and electrical safety. This now allows us to run all our safety courses from our HQ, right over the street, and all our technical courses from our new site.

From a facilities perspective, we can shape the environment more to the needs of the student in that particular setting as opposed to trying to do everything in one place.

The new wind tech training facilities cover 3 dedicated classrooms and an 8,000 sq ft shop area with bolting, torquing, electrical stations, a full gearbox, and various other major components allowing students to get hands-on with their training.

Electrical safety training to standard NFPA 70E

One of the primary courses running from the new STL USA facilities is our Qualified Electrical worker course covering low and high voltage training to standard NFPA 70E. This is a 2-day face to face course which has been vetted and approved by major wind OEMs. This course is now becoming a must have for wind technicians. To accomodate demand STL USA are running courses every week.

If you need to book a course click here.

Skills and competency

Whilst we are not denying the importance of industry certification, particularly GWO, it’s becoming increasingly clear that employers in wind need the support of third party training organisations to deliver skills and competency training for their new hires and existing people. STL USA is rapidly increasing it’s portfolio of courses in this area.

Empoyers can choose from 3 options:

  • Basic Intro
  • Basic Intro +
  • Bespoke training
The basic intro packages are designed to offer a simple plug and play solution for those who require a good technical grounding for new hire technicians, covering:
  • AC/DC basics
  • Motor controls
  • Schematics
  • Digital multi-meter
  • Basic troubleshooting
  • MCE – Up tower troubleshooting/training (gearbox & generator) + Only
  • Platform specific converter  + Only
  • Boroscope + Only
Bespoke solutions allow employers to choose from a range of over 30 skills based modules, aligned to the ACP micro-credentials and GWO frameworks for new technicians. These courses can be taken in conjunction with GWO and Electrical safety certification to quickly get technicians up to speed.
 For the full range of modules click, here.

Interested in training with STL USA? 

Click the link to find out more