STL USA are pleased to announce the addition of a new Kansas City GWO training venue.

The new Kansas City GWO training center will initially offer GWO Working at Height training.

Technicians taking the GWO Working at Height course will be able to demonstrate:

  • knowledge of hazards and risks associated with working at heights, specific to a WTG
  • understanding of current national legislation regarding working at heights.
  • correct identification of PPE, including identification of European/Global standard markings e.g. harness, hard hat, lanyards, etc.
  • the knowledge and skills to correctly inspect, service, store and don the relevant PPE, e.g. harness, lanyards, fall arresters and work positioning equipment.
  • correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses lanyards, fall arresters and work positioning equipment. This includes correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
  • correct use of evacuation devices.
  • how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently.

We are now taking bookings for the center, follow the link below to find out more.

[dt_default_button link=”” button_alignment=”left” animation=”fadeIn” size=”big” default_btn_bg_color=”” bg_hover_color=”” text_color=”” text_hover_color=”” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]Onsite Course Enquiry[/dt_default_button]

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