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The industry standard safety course

The full GWO Basic Safety Training course is the global standard for safety qualifications in the Wind Energy sector. Technicians traditionally take the four core modules: Fire Awareness, First Aid, Manual Handling and Working at Height with Sea Survival available as an elective module.

the industry standard technical course

The full GWO Basic Technical Training course is the global standard for technical qualifications in the Wind Energy sector. v8 of BTT covers four core modules: Bolt Tightening Mechanical, Electrical, and Hydraulic with Installation available as an add-on module or in conjunction with Mechanical.

advanced rescue Training for wind techs

Advanced rescue training for technicians who have completed the GWO Basic Safety Training Working at Height module. ART covers both hub and nacelle group rescue and individual rescue scenarios across four modules.

the industry standard technical course

The full GWO Control of Hazardous Energies. course includes the modules; Basic Safety, Electrical Safety, Pressure Fluid Safety. These modules enable individuals to manage the risks associated with each form of energy found in a wind turbine environment.

confined space awareness
Low and High Voltage Electrical Safety Training

The GWO lift course ensures participants learn to take responsibility to support and care for themselves and others while operating and working on a lift in the wind industry.

Add a 3S Climb Auto System cert to the GWO training or take this as a stand alone course.

technical courses for wind technicians

A range of technical courses designed to develop technical competence and job skills for beginner and intermediate technicians.

STL USA has three options for technical training

  • Basic Intro off-the-shelf program
  • Basic Intro Plus off-the-shelf program
  • Bespoke training packages – employers can select from a large range of skills and combine wind-specific and foundational modules to build a program for their specific needs.
technical courses for wind technicians
Low and High Voltage Electrical Safety Training

The low and high voltage electrical safety training to standard NFPA 70E is a wind-specific, face-to-face training program designed to equip wind technicians with the electrical safety knowledge, best work practices in electrical safety, and how to apply them in real-world situations.

fast track into the wind industry

3 week accreditation course

  • GWO – Basic Safety, Basic Technical, plus elective (Advanced Rescue or BTT Installation, or Control of Hazardous Energy)
  • NFPA 70E Low and High Voltage
  • Free access to job portal

4 week accreditation + technical course

  • All of the above, plus
  • 5 day technical introduction to wind turbines (Schematics, Troubleshoot, Motor controls, DMM, AC/DC basics)
Leading technical training for wind technicians
GWO Training in Abilene
Combined course for extra value

GWO bundle training courses combine GWO training with a range of additional certifications to offer you the best value training solutions for your wind technicians. GWO bundle training courses include BST and confined space awareness, CoHE & NFPA 70E, and a whole lot more to help maximize your training budget.

understanding and identifying risk

Face to face confined space awareness training

  • Designed for those individuals who are responsible for managing and overseeing employees working in confined space activities.
  • 1/2 day course
confined space awareness
Gearbox and Boroscope training course
gearbox inspection & diagnosis overview

STL USA’s Gearbox & Borescope Overview course is a 3-day training course designed to introduce the wind turbine gearbox and the use of a Borescope. The course covers gearbox fundamentals, the use and management of the borescope as a diagnosis tool, and troubleshooting basics across a range of scenarios. 

Course attendees will get hands-on with a turbine gearbox and borescope through the course alongside theory modules. This course is run in partnership with Evident Scientific the leader in borescope technology.

understanding and identifying risk

GWO Slinging and Signalling, use of Cranes and Hoists in wind  

  • GWO Slinger Signaller, 1.5 day course
  • GWO Crane & Hoist, user, 1.5 days
  • GWO Crane & Hoist, inspection and maintenance, 1.5 days

*Courses run on a 4 attendee minimum

Why stl usa?

Train better, work safer.

Customers choose STL USA because we live by our mantra:

Train better, work safer.

Over the past 8 years we have trained over 2,000 technicians working closely with clients such as RWE, Siemens Gamesa, duke energy, And many more.

Extensive Course Programs

GWO Basic Safety Training
GWO Basic Technical Training
GWO Advanced Rescue


Extensive field experience
1,000s of hours of teaching
Highly qualified trainers

Course Materials

High-quality support materials

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Head Office

GWO Center Texas