WindStart news

The WindStart program is gathering pace

WindStart has been designed to help people get into wind. As the program grows and develops we wanted to take an opportunity to introduce the driving force behind WindStart, Jeremy McKelvain. Jeremy has been working tirelessly to secure funding, getting on the road to meet the next generation of potential wind technicians and building out the program. 

WindStart is all about delivering on the industry needs, but more accurately, ambitions for growth over the coming years. To get to where we all want to be, we need to grow the workforce and that’s something STL USA is well positioned to do through our training, access to funding for ‘new to the sector’ people and our links to employers across the industry.

It may seem like a big ambition but STL USA is all about solutions. We’ve been to way too many conferences where, time and again, key players talk to us about the challenges they are facing in recruitment. STL USA as a team relish the opportunity to play a key role in providing a solution to this and Jeremy is the man tasked with making that happen!

With this in mind, we thought it was a great opportunity to shine a light on what makes Jeremy tick. So we’ve asked him a few questions to give you some insight into his background and his thoughts on WindStart.

Tell us about your background?

“I retired as a Master Sergeant after 20 years of service in the US Air Force, where I gained extensive experience in technical and leadership roles. Post-military, I was drawn to the renewable energy sector due to its growth potential and the opportunity to apply my skills in a meaningful way. With WindStart, I’ve been focusing on technical training and certification for new wind technicians.”

You served for several years; what attracted you to the wind industry?

“What attracted me to the wind industry was the dynamic nature of the work and the opportunity to continue serving in a capacity that benefits society. The industry’s focus on sustainability and innovation aligns well with my personal values and my professional skills in managing complex technical operations and training programs.”

You get to meet lots of people keen on wind; what do you enjoy most?

“I most enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping to shape the careers of aspiring wind technicians. It’s rewarding to see new technicians grow and succeed. The enthusiasm and commitment they bring are inspiring, and it reminds me of the camaraderie and dedication I valued in the Air Force.”

Any career fairs coming up where people can meet you?

“Yes, WindStart will be participating in several career fairs across the nation in the coming months. These events are great opportunities for those interested in entering the wind industry to learn more about our training programs and career opportunities.”

What do you see as the future of WindStart?

“The future of WindStart is incredibly promising. As the wind sector continues to expand, the demand for skilled technicians will only grow. We aim to be at the forefront of training excellence, helping to meet the industry’s needs with well-prepared, certified technicians. I believe WindStart will play a crucial role in supporting the renewable energy goals of the nation through quality education and training.”

Interested in WindStart? 

Click the link to learn more 

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