Solving the Wind Energy Sector Recruitment Challenge in the US

Wind Energy Sector Recruitment

Navigating the Winds of Change.

As the United States continues to invest in clean and sustainable energy sources, the wind energy sector is poised for unprecedented growth in the next decade. However, with this promising future comes a significant challenge – the recruitment and training of skilled professionals to meet the industry’s escalating demands. To ensure a seamless transition to a greener tomorrow, addressing the wind energy sector’s recruitment challenge is imperative. This blog post explores key aspects such as funding, training initiatives, and strategic hiring approaches that can help overcome this challenge.

Funding initiatives

One of the primary hurdles in expanding the wind energy workforce is securing adequate funding for training programs and educational initiatives. To address this, collaboration between government bodies, private sector stakeholders, and educational institutions is crucial. Government incentives and grants should be made available to support the development of training programs specifically tailored to the wind energy sector. Programs such as the Inflation Reduction Act are a great step in the right direction.

Moreover, wind energy companies can establish partnerships with universities and vocational institutions to create scholarship programs and research grants. These initiatives not only attract potential talent but also contribute to the advancement of wind energy technology. By fostering a collaborative ecosystem, the industry can ensure a sustainable pipeline of skilled professionals.

Training the next generation

To meet the growing demand for skilled workers, it is essential to design comprehensive wind technician training programs that equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and practical skills. Wind energy companies should collaborate with educational institutions to develop specialized curricula that cover areas such as wind turbine technology, maintenance, and safety protocols.

Internship programs and apprenticeships can provide hands-on experience, allowing trainees to work alongside seasoned professionals. This real-world exposure not only enhances their skills but also provides a pathway for recruitment. Companies should actively engage with local communities to identify and nurture talent, promoting inclusivity and diversity within the industry.

Strategic Hiring Approaches

As the wind energy sector expands, companies need to adopt strategic hiring approaches to attract and retain top talent. Here are some key considerations:

a. Diversity and Inclusion: Actively promoting diversity and inclusion is essential for fostering innovation and ensuring a well-rounded workforce. Companies should implement policies that encourage the recruitment of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including women and underrepresented minorities.

b. Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Establishing strong ties with universities, community colleges, and vocational schools is crucial for identifying potential candidates early in their educational journey. Wind energy companies can contribute to curriculum development, provide guest lectures, and offer internships to create a direct talent pipeline.

c. Competitive Compensation Packages: To attract the best talent, wind energy companies must offer competitive compensation packages. Beyond salary, benefits such as professional development opportunities, health and wellness programs, and flexible work arrangements can enhance the overall appeal of the organization.

d. Embracing Technology: The wind energy sector is evolving rapidly, with technological advancements shaping the landscape. Companies should actively seek individuals with a passion for innovation and a willingness to adapt to emerging technologies. Investing in continuous training for existing employees also ensures that the workforce remains up-to-date with the latest developments.

Looking for roles in wind energy or a great hiring solution? Check on our partner recruitment site.

In conclusion, as the wind energy sector in the United States scales over the next decade, solving the recruitment challenge is paramount for sustained growth and success. By focusing on funding initiatives, developing robust training programs, and adopting strategic hiring approaches, the industry can build a skilled workforce capable of driving innovation and meeting the demands of a cleaner and more sustainable future. Through collaboration between government entities, educational institutions, and private sector stakeholders, the wind energy sector can overcome recruitment challenges and harness the full potential of wind power for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants.

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Outsource training solutions in wind

outsource training solutions in wind

Helping supply chain scale.

Whilst it’s something STL USA has been involved in for many years we very rarely talk about the outsource training we deliver on behalf of others in the industry. However, given the focus is squarely on how we scale going into 2024 we thought it was about time we explained a little more about what this service is, why it’s important for our industries growth and how we deliver it.

So what are outsource training solutions?

Simply really. It means STL USA deliver training for other companies in wind on their behalf. Normally it’s as a result of growth and a lack of internal resources to deliver training courses to new customers. That’s where STL USA steps in. With a very broad industry technical knowledge, large scale facilities and highly competent teaching staff STL USA is well positioned to help others scale, offer great customer training and cement customer relationships.

The importance of good training

We all know how fast the sector is growing in the USA and keeping up with this demand is hard enough for suppliers. Factoring in training and education is just another challenge facing companies and one that is often hard to keep up with.

However the importance of good training is a key aspect of customer support, saving time, money, and building better relationships.

What kind of training can STL USA deliver and how does it work?

STL USA have a broad skill set that allows the delivery of a variety of skill, competence and product based training. Whether that’s using a specific tool for a specific task or delivering a product training for a complicated piece of equipment like a boroscope the teams braod technical knowledge and years of field expereince allow them to quickly grasp therequirement, undertsnad learning objectives and perform the training course to high standards.

In practice most of STL USA’s outsource training customers already have training courses they simply don’t have the resources to deliver all of their training requirements. That’s when they look to STL USA to give them scale in their own training. After an initial train the trainer and sign-off STL USA can then deliver the course on the customers behalf.

It’s really that simple.

How would i know this is right for me?

That’s also pretty easy. Simply ask yourself a few questions to figure out if you need to outsource some or all of your training:

  • Is my company growing with lots of new customers?
  • Are my current trainers or training team getting overwhelemed and are struggling to meet demand?
  • Is this having a detrimental impact on my customer relationships?
  • Are we looking at losing new customers because we can’t adequately train them?

If you answer yes to any of these questions then it’s probably a sign to look for a partner who can help and not let training become a roadblock for your business growth.

Contact us below if you would like to find out more about how we can help.

Interested in using STL USA to deliver your training 

Click the link to find out more 

Bespoke training for wind technicians

Bespoke training for wind technicians

Building flexible training.

STL USA are delighted to introduce Bespoke Wind Technician Technical training. This program sits alongside our two standard technical options, Basic Intro and Basic Intro +. The difference is that bespoke training gives you the flexibility to build a prgram that meets the specific needs of your workforce. Program options include both industry certification, such as GWO and NFPA 70E alongside a huge choice of technical competencies that align to ACP, ANSI and GWO frameworks for wind technicians. That’s super important as the industry evolves becasue these frameworks allow skills to be standardised, which ultimately means cost savings for employers not having to train more than one version of the same skill to meet a customer requirement.

What are the courses?

This is really down to you!

The bespoke nature of these training solutions allow you to build your own program from a huge list of module options that should cover your needs. If they don’t STL USA can tap into its partner network and build out teaching knowledge to deliver something truly unique for you.

Bespoke training module options
Wind skills
Introduction to Turbine Generators
Failure Analysis
Maintaining Bearings
Precision Measuring Instruments
Hydraulic System Operation
Hydraulic Pumps, Pumping Principles and Accumulators
Pressure Controls
Directional and Flow Controls
Hydraulic Actuators
Fundamentals of Lubrication
Lubrication Maintenance
Introduction to Mechanical Print Reading
Lines Used in Mechanical Print Reading
Dimensions in Mechanical Print Reading
Mechanical Seals
Hand Operated Equipment
Forklifts and Cranes
Principles and Practices of Predictive Maintenance
Vibration Analysis
Lubricant and Trend Analysis
Techniques for Extending Bearing Life
Principles of Reverse Double Dial Alignment
Reverse Double Dial Alignment Procedure
Pressure Measurement
Flow Measurement
Temperature Measurement
Level Measurement
Calibration Principles
Calibrating Pressure and Differential Pressure Instruments
Calibrating Flow Instruments
Calibrating Level Instruments
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Test Devices
Electronic Test Devices
Calibrating Meteorological Instrumentation

Foundational skills

AC Motor Theory
AC Motor Maintenance
DC Motor Theory
DC Motor Maintenance
Fuses and Circuit Breakers
Limit Switches
Switches, Coils, and Overloads
Troubleshooting Electrical Control Circuits
Inverters: Operation and Maintenance

Ammeters, Meggers and Wheatstone Bridge
Electrical Schematics
Electrical Diagrams
Principles of Operation
Interpreting Ladder Logic
Programmable Controllers for Analog Control
Introduction to Transformers
Transformer operations and maintenance

Hand Tools
Torque and Tensioning
Ladders and Scaffolding

Distributed Control Fundamentals
Maintaining Distributed Control Systems
Electronic Controllers
Calibrating Temperature Instruments
Instruments In Hazardous Environments


NFPA 70E low and high voltage

GWO Control of Hazardous Energies


How do i build my bespoke training?

 The STL USA client team are well versed in building out solutions for clients. Bespoke Wind Technician Training is no different.

 The steps taken to build a program include:

  • Identifying who needs training – new hires, existing technicians, specialist teams?
  • Where does training need to take place – onsite, at an STL USA facility, online
  • Implementing a process for maintaining skills and updating knowledge – building in continual improvement
  • Defining a schedule – what modules apply to which technicians and when, where and how are they delivered
Once established a pilot is then scheduled to ensure that any customer spcific requirements are included into the course and that’s it, training can start.
STL USA believe this modular approach to building bespoke training is the next step in the development of workforces within wind. It allows customers to reduce costs, develop a skilled workforce and truly differentiate themselves on competency.
Speak to an STL USA team member about this via the link below. 


Interested in bespoke training with STL USA

Click the link to find out more