Electrical safety for wind technicians

electrical safety for wind technicians

Electrical Safety in the Wind Energy Sector: Ensuring Safe and Efficient Operations

The wind energy sector is a rapidly growing industry, contributing significantly to the global shift towards renewable energy. However, it also presents unique challenges, particularly in terms of electrical safety. Wind turbines are complex electrical systems operating under various environmental conditions, often in remote locations. Ensuring electrical safety in this sector is crucial to protect workers, maintain reliable operations, and prevent accidents that could lead to costly downtime or even fatalities. This article will explore the key requirements and best practices for electrical safety in the wind energy sector.

1. Understanding the Electrical Hazards

Wind turbines generate electricity by converting kinetic energy from the wind into electrical energy. The systems involved in this process include high-voltage components, transformers, inverters, and cabling. These components pose several electrical hazards, such as:

  • Arc Flash: A sudden release of electrical energy that can cause severe burns, blindness, and even death. Arc flashes can occur during maintenance or when electrical equipment fails.
  • Electric Shock: Direct contact with live electrical components can result in electric shock, potentially leading to serious injury or death.
  • Fire Hazards: Electrical faults, such as short circuits, can ignite fires within the turbine’s nacelle or electrical cabinets, which are often difficult to extinguish given their location and the presence of high winds.

2. Regulatory and Standards Compliance

Electrical safety in the wind energy sector is governed by various international and national standards. Adherence to these standards is not only a legal requirement but also a best practice for ensuring safety. Key standards include:

  • IEC 61400 Series: These are international standards covering all aspects of wind turbines, including safety, performance, and testing. IEC 61400-1, in particular, outlines design requirements that help ensure the electrical safety of wind turbines.
  • NFPA 70E: This standard, developed by the National Fire Protection Association, focuses on electrical safety in the workplace, providing guidelines for safe work practices to protect workers from electrical hazards.
  • OSHA Regulations: In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides specific regulations for the energy sector, including wind energy, to ensure worker safety.
  • ISO 45001: This is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, which helps organizations improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks, and create better, safer working conditions.

3. Risk Assessment and Safety Planning

Before any work is conducted on wind turbines, a comprehensive risk assessment must be carried out. This assessment should identify potential electrical hazards and evaluate the risks associated with specific tasks. Key elements include:

  • Hazard Identification: Identify all potential electrical hazards associated with the specific tasks to be performed, such as maintenance, repair, or inspection.
  • Risk Evaluation: Determine the likelihood and severity of each hazard, taking into account factors like the condition of the equipment, weather conditions, and the experience level of the workers involved.
  • Safety Planning: Develop a detailed safety plan that includes control measures to mitigate identified risks. This plan should outline the specific safety procedures to be followed, the protective equipment required, and the emergency response protocols.

4. Training and Competency

Proper training is essential to ensure that personnel working in the wind energy sector are aware of the electrical hazards and know how to mitigate them. Training programs should cover:

  • Basic Electrical Safety: Workers should understand the principles of electricity, the dangers of electric shock, and the importance of grounding and bonding.
  • Advanced Training: For those directly involved in electrical work, advanced training in topics such as arc flash protection, lockout/tagout procedures, and working at heights is necessary.
  • Emergency Response: Workers must be trained in emergency procedures, including how to respond to electrical accidents, administer first aid, and perform rescues in confined spaces or at height.

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The use of appropriate PPE is a critical component of electrical safety in the wind energy sector. Depending on the specific tasks and identified risks, PPE may include:

  • Arc-Rated Clothing: Protective clothing designed to withstand the thermal hazards of an arc flash. This clothing is rated based on its ability to protect against heat and flames.
  • Insulated Gloves and Boots: To prevent electrical shock, workers should wear insulated gloves and boots when working with or near live electrical equipment.
  • Safety Helmets: Helmets equipped with face shields or visors provide protection against flying debris and arc flashes.
  • Fall Protection Gear: Given the height of wind turbines, fall protection gear, such as harnesses and lanyards, is essential for all personnel working at height.

6. Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Procedures

Lockout/tagout (LOTO) is a safety procedure used to ensure that electrical equipment is properly shut off and not restarted until the completion of maintenance or repair work. LOTO procedures involve:

  • Isolating Electrical Energy: Before any maintenance work begins, the equipment must be completely de-energized by isolating it from its power source.
  • Locking Out the Equipment: A physical lock is placed on the power source, preventing it from being turned back on until the work is complete.
  • Tagging the Equipment: A tag is attached to the lock, indicating that the equipment is under maintenance and should not be operated. The tag also includes the name of the person responsible for the lockout.

7. Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Routine maintenance and inspections are vital to ensure the ongoing safety and reliability of wind turbines. This includes:

  • Preventive Maintenance: Regular checks and servicing of electrical components to prevent failures and reduce the risk of electrical hazards.
  • Condition Monitoring: Using technology such as thermal imaging and partial discharge testing to monitor the condition of electrical equipment and identify potential issues before they lead to failures.
  • Inspection of Safety Systems: Regular testing and inspection of safety systems, such as grounding systems, circuit breakers, and emergency shutdown mechanisms, to ensure they are functioning correctly.

8. Emergency Preparedness

Despite all precautions, emergencies can still occur. Therefore, it is essential to have robust emergency preparedness plans in place, including:

  • Emergency Response Teams: Designate and train personnel to respond to electrical emergencies, including fire, electric shock, and arc flash incidents.
  • Rescue Plans: Develop and practice rescue plans for workers who may be injured or incapacitated at height or in confined spaces.
  • First Aid Kits and AEDs: Ensure that first aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are available and accessible at all wind farm locations.


Electrical safety in the wind energy sector is critical to protecting workers, ensuring reliable operations, and preventing accidents. By adhering to regulatory standards, conducting thorough risk assessments, providing proper training, and implementing robust safety procedures, the industry can mitigate the unique electrical hazards associated with wind turbines. Continuous vigilance and a commitment to safety are essential as the wind energy sector continues to grow and play a pivotal role in the global energy landscape.

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STL USA – Shortlisted for Training Team of the Year, North America

Wind technicians up a wind turbine

STL USA is delighted to have been shortlisted for this year's GWO Training Team of the Year!

The awards, first launched in 2021, shine a light on the teams and individuals who make delivery of GWO standards possible, training hundreds of thousands of wind technicians in GWO courses every year in over 50 countries worldwide.

Jakob Lau Holst, CEO of Global Wind Organisation, says: “The GWO Safety & Training Awards are one of the highlights on our calendar and I am delighted to see them back for 2024. The programme is back, bigger and better than ever before and I know that the competition from entrants will be intense.”

GWO revealed the shortlist for the 2024 Training Team of the Year award a short while ago, with STL USA one of just three in the running for the North America award. This award recognizes outstanding work by GWO training providers, celebrating distinction in all aspects of training.

Whatever the outcome, we are proud to be amongst such excellent company in the running for this year’s award. We would like to congratulate all the finalists for being shortlisted and thank them for their contributions to our industry and their ongoing commitment to keeping all our wind energy colleagues safe.

Have a watch of the video below, where our superb Training Team showcase their incomparable passion and pride for what they do.

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How to climb a wind turbine

Wind technicians up a wind turbine

Learn about what it takes to climb a wind turbine

Climbing a wind turbine is a specialized task that requires training, safety equipment, and adherence to strict protocols due to the height and complexity of the structures. Here’s how it is typically done:

1. Preparation and Training

  • Certification: Workers must have the necessary certifications, such as Global Wind Organization (GWO) training, which covers working at heights, first aid, fire awareness, and manual handling.
  • Health and Safety Checks: Climbers must undergo health checks to ensure they are fit for working at heights. Safety briefings and risk assessments are also conducted before any climb.

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Harness and Fall Arrest System: Workers wear a full-body harness attached to a fall arrest system. This system includes a lanyard or self-retracting lifeline connected to an anchor point on the turbine.
  • Helmet and Gloves: A safety helmet protects against head injuries, and gloves provide a secure grip while climbing.
  • Climbing Suit and Footwear: A climbing suit, often flame-resistant, and sturdy, non-slip boots are worn to protect against environmental hazards and ensure a good grip.

3. Climbing the Turbine

  • Internal Ladder: Most wind turbines have an internal ladder running up the tower. This ladder is equipped with a vertical safety rail or cable system to which climbers attach their fall arrest lanyard.
  • Climbing in Stages: Climbers typically ascend in stages, resting at intermediate platforms. These platforms also serve as emergency exit points in case of fatigue or other issues.
  • Self-Retracting Lifeline: This device automatically adjusts the length of the lanyard, preventing slack and minimizing the risk of falling.

4. Using the Elevator (If Available)

  • Service Lifts: Some wind turbines are equipped with service lifts (small elevators) that can carry workers part or all of the way up the tower, reducing the physical strain of climbing.
  • Lift Safety Protocols: When using the lift, workers must adhere to safety protocols, including checking the lift’s condition and following weight limits.

5. Reaching the Nacelle

  • Final Ascent: The last part of the climb may involve transitioning from the internal ladder to access the nacelle, the housing that contains the gearbox, generator, and other critical components.
  • Securing in Place: Once at the nacelle, workers secure themselves with additional lanyards to ensure they remain safely tethered while performing tasks.

6. Working in the Nacelle and on the Blades

  • Confined Space Procedures: The nacelle can be a confined space, requiring specific procedures to ensure safe movement and ventilation.
  • Blade Access: For work on the blades, technicians may use rope access techniques, hanging from the nacelle, or they might use platforms or cranes for maintenance tasks.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Workers remain in constant communication with the ground team, and their condition is monitored to ensure safety.

7. Descent

  • Controlled Descent: After completing their work, climbers carefully descend using the same ladder or lift system, ensuring they remain attached to the fall arrest system at all times.
  • Emergency Descent: In case of an emergency, climbers can use an emergency descent device that allows them to rappel down the tower safely.

8. Post-Climb Procedures

  • Equipment Check: After the climb, workers inspect their equipment for any damage and ensure it is in good condition for future use.
  • Reporting and Debriefing: Workers complete any necessary reports and participate in a debriefing to discuss any issues encountered during the climb and ensure continuous safety improvements.

Safety Considerations

  • Wind Conditions: Climbing is typically restricted or halted in high winds or severe weather conditions, as these can make the climb more dangerous.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Workers are trained in emergency procedures, including self-rescue and the use of emergency descent devices.
  • Regular Training: Regular refreshers in safety protocols and climbing techniques are necessary to keep certifications current and ensure safety standards are maintained.

Climbing a wind turbine is a highly skilled task that prioritizes safety at every step, from preparation and equipment to the climb itself and subsequent descent.

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How to make money from wind turbines?

How to make money from wind turbines?

Wind Farms - How do they actually return a profit?

How to make money from wind turbines? A question we get asked a lot, so here goes…

Wind farms are large-scale installations of wind turbines that generate electricity by harnessing the kinetic energy of the wind. These farms can be located onshore (on land) or offshore (in bodies of water), and they are designed to produce significant amounts of renewable energy for distribution to the electrical grid. Wind farms are a crucial part of the global shift towards renewable energy, with countries worldwide investing in wind energy as a means to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, enhance energy security, and meet climate goals. They play a significant role in the energy transition, contributing to cleaner and more sustainable energy systems.

Building a wind farm is a significant endeavor requiring careful planning, substantial investment, and ongoing management. The process is complex but vital for harnessing renewable energy and contributing to a sustainable energy future. But with such huge amounts of resource required to build and operate a wind farm, including staff, training, maintenance, equipment and repairs, how do companies get a return on their investment?

Companies make money from wind energy through several revenue streams, all of which are tied to the generation and sale of electricity, incentives, and related services.

Here’s how it works:

1. Selling Electricity

  • Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): Wind energy companies enter into long-term contracts with utilities, businesses, or governments to sell electricity at a fixed price. These agreements provide a steady income stream and reduce financial risk for both parties.
  • Wholesale Market Sales: In some cases, wind energy producers sell electricity directly on the wholesale electricity markets, where prices can fluctuate based on demand and supply conditions.

2. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

  • Selling RECs: Wind energy companies generate Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for each megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity produced. These certificates can be sold to utilities or corporations to help them meet renewable energy mandates or voluntary sustainability goals. RECs provide an additional revenue stream independent of the electricity itself.

3. Government Incentives and Subsidies

  • Production Tax Credits (PTCs): In countries like the U.S., wind energy companies can benefit from tax credits based on the amount of electricity they produce. The Production Tax Credit (PTC) provides a per-kilowatt-hour tax credit for the first ten years of a wind farm’s operation.
  • Investment Tax Credits (ITCs): Some wind projects might qualify for Investment Tax Credits, which allow a percentage of the cost of developing a wind farm to be deducted from taxes.
  • Grants and Loans: Governments sometimes offer grants, low-interest loans, or other financial incentives to support the development of wind energy projects.

4. Selling Carbon Offsets

  • Carbon Credits: Wind energy projects reduce carbon emissions, and companies can sell carbon credits generated from these reductions. Corporations or governments seeking to offset their carbon footprint purchase these credits, adding another revenue stream.

5. Equipment Manufacturing and Maintenance

  • Turbine Sales: Companies that manufacture wind turbines, blades, and other components profit from selling these to wind farm developers.
  • Operations and Maintenance Services: After wind farms are operational, companies can earn money by providing maintenance services, ensuring the turbines are functioning efficiently and minimizing downtime.

6. Ownership and Operation of Wind Farms

  • Energy Companies and Utilities: Some energy companies build, own, and operate wind farms themselves, generating revenue from electricity sales while benefiting from government incentives and RECs.
  • Independent Power Producers (IPPs): These companies develop and operate wind farms, selling electricity to utilities or directly to large industrial users under PPAs.

7. Leasing Land

  • Land Lease Payments: Wind energy developers often lease land from farmers or other landowners to build wind farms. Landowners receive lease payments, while the wind energy company profits from the electricity generated.

8. Exporting Technology and Expertise

  • Consulting Services: Wind energy companies may offer consulting services, sharing their expertise in wind farm development, grid integration, and project management with other developers or governments.
  • Exporting Equipment: Companies in countries with advanced wind energy industries might export wind turbines, blades, and other components to countries where the wind energy sector is still developing.

9. Innovative Financing Structures

  • Yieldcos: Some companies create yieldcos, publicly traded entities that own wind farms and other renewable energy assets. Yieldcos provide investors with a steady return from the revenue generated by these assets, while the parent company raises capital by selling shares.

Wind energy companies make money through a combination of direct sales of electricity, leveraging government incentives, selling environmental credits, and providing related products and services. As the global push for clean energy continues, these revenue streams are expected to grow, making wind energy an increasingly profitable industry.

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ANNOUNCEMENT – STL USA partners with Kito Crosby

STL USA is proud to announce yet another world-class partner, Kito Crosby

Kito Crosby is a leading manufacturer and supplier of lifting and rigging equipment. They produce a comprehensive range of Crosby-branded products including shackles, hooks, wire rope clips, lifting clamps, turnbuckles, blocks, and sheaves, as well as customized lifting solutions. These products are critical components in various industries such as construction, oil and gas, mining, transportation, and renewable energy, where they are used to safely lift and move heavy loads.

What makes Kito Crosby the ideal partner for STL USA?

STL USA has selected Kito Crosby to exclusively supply Crosby training materials and resources, as well as rigging equipment for our GWO Slinger Signaller and Crane & Hoist courses. Here’s why we believe they are the ideal partner for us:

High Manufacturing Standards: Crosby products are known for their stringent manufacturing processes, ensuring that every product meets or exceeds industry standards. Kito Crosby’s commitment to quality ensures that Crosby equipment is reliable and durable, providing users with confidence in their lifting operations.

Rigorous Testing: Every product undergoes rigorous testing for safety and performance. This dedication to quality control helps prevent accidents and equipment failure, making Crosby products some of the safest on the market.

Advanced Technology: Kito Crosby invests heavily in research and development to incorporate the latest technologies and innovations into their products. This focus on innovation helps improve the efficiency and safety of lifting operations.

Environmental Responsibility: Kito Crosby is committed to sustainable practices, ensuring that their manufacturing processes minimize environmental impact.

Crosby products stand out due to their unparalleled quality, safety, and innovation, which align perfectly with STL USA’s core values as a training provider. Their products are trusted worldwide for their reliability and performance, making them a leader in the lifting and rigging industry. By continuously pushing the boundaries of engineering excellence and maintaining a customer-centric approach, Crosby products have earned their reputation as the best in the field.

crosby alliance logo

Want to learn more?

Click the button to learn more about our GWO Slinger Signaller and Crane & Hoist courses

Slinger Signaller – What does the job entail?

Role of a Slinger Signaller - what can I expect from the job?

A slinger signaller is a crucial role in lifting operations, particularly in industries like construction and wind energy. This role involves the safe and efficient directing of crane and lifting operations, ensuring that loads are securely attached, balanced, and moved without causing accidents or damage. The slinger signaller works in close coordination with crane operators, riggers, and other personnel involved in lifting activities.

Responsibilities of a Slinger Signaller

  1. Load Attachment and Security
    • Sling Selection: Choosing the appropriate slings and lifting gear for the load based on its weight, shape, and material.
    • Attachment: Securing the load to the crane or lifting equipment using slings, chains, or other rigging materials.
    • Load Balancing: Ensuring that the load is properly balanced to prevent swinging or tipping during the lift.
  2. Signalling and Communication
    • Hand Signals: Using standardized hand signals to communicate with the crane operator to guide the movement of the load.
    • Radio Communication: Utilizing radios or other communication devices to relay instructions and coordinate operations.
    • Safety Coordination: Ensuring that all personnel involved in the lifting operation are aware of their roles and that the work area is clear of unnecessary personnel.
  3. Safety Checks and Compliance
    • Pre-Lift Inspections: Conducting inspections of the lifting gear and load to ensure they are in good condition and compliant with safety standards.
    • Risk Assessments: Identifying potential hazards associated with the lifting operation and implementing measures to mitigate these risks.
    • Compliance: Adhering to safety regulations, standards, and best practices to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.
  4. Guiding the Load
    • Movement Direction: Directing the crane operator to move the load to the desired location safely and efficiently.
    • Positioning: Ensuring the load is placed accurately and safely at its final destination.
    • Monitoring: Continuously monitoring the load during lifting and lowering to prevent accidents.

Specialization and Training

The role of a slinger signaller is highly specialized and requires specific training and certification. This training typically includes:

  1. Rigging and Slinging Techniques
    • Types of Slings: Knowledge of different types of slings (wire rope, synthetic, chain) and their appropriate use.
    • Load Calculations: Understanding how to calculate load weights and the capacity of lifting equipment.
  2. Signalling Methods
    • Hand Signals: Training in standardized hand signals used to communicate with crane operators.
    • Communication Skills: Effective use of radios and other communication devices.
  3. Safety Practices
    • Risk Assessment: Identifying and mitigating potential hazards in lifting operations.
    • Equipment Inspection: Conducting pre-use checks on lifting equipment to ensure safety.
  4. Legal and Regulatory Knowledge
    • Standards and Regulations: Familiarity with industry standards and regulations governing lifting operations.

Role on Top of the Wind Technician Job

For a wind technician, taking on the role of a slinger signaller adds significant responsibilities and requires additional skills and knowledge. Here’s how it integrates with their primary duties:

  1. Complex Lifting Operations
    • Turbine Components: Wind technicians often work with large and heavy turbine components. Being a trained slinger signaller ensures these components are lifted and positioned safely.
    • Tight Spaces: Wind turbines are often in areas where space is limited, requiring precise lifting and signalling to avoid accidents.
  2. Enhanced Safety
    • Reduced Risk: By being both a wind technician and a slinger signaller, the individual can better manage and reduce the risks associated with lifting operations.
    • Holistic Understanding: Combining technical knowledge of wind turbines with lifting expertise leads to a comprehensive understanding of the operations, further enhancing safety.
  3. Operational Efficiency
    • Streamlined Processes: Having dual roles can streamline operations, as the individual can directly oversee and manage the lifting processes, reducing the need for additional personnel.
    • Improved Coordination: Better coordination between the lifting team and the technical team, as one person understands the requirements and limitations of both areas.
  4. Career Advancement
    • Skill Diversification: Adding slinger signaller qualifications to a wind technician’s skill set can open up more advanced roles and responsibilities within the wind energy sector.
    • Higher Demand: Technicians with dual qualifications are often in higher demand, offering more job security and potential for increased earnings.


The role of a slinger signaller is essential in ensuring the safe and efficient execution of lifting operations, particularly in industries like wind energy. For wind technicians, acquiring slinger signaller qualifications adds significant value, enhancing safety, operational efficiency, and career prospects. This dual expertise allows for a more integrated approach to managing the complex and demanding tasks associated with maintaining and constructing wind turbines.


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What makes good wind technician training great?

What makes a good training provider great?

Recent years have seen a massive boom in the wind energy sector here in the US, around 130% increase in the last ten years alone. With this, we have seen a large number of training providers rapidly enter the space. With the demand for workers in the sector, this is only to be expected, as demand far outstrips supply and companies are desperate for people to help support their growth. And whilst training is obviously essential, are all training providers created equal?

Our industry is fortunate to have globally recognised standards, set by the Global Wind Organisation (GWO), that all technicians have to achieve to work on wind turbines. That level of accreditation is a major asset, but as we have all seen through our own experiences, the way these standards are trained and audited vastly affects the quality of the output achieved.

Here at STL USA, we have a long history of training technicians spanning almost 20 years, and we’ve made it our mission to deliver the highest quality wind sector training in the USA. That’s isn’t just a statement you make unless you have the drive, determination, passion and actual skills to back it up.


So, what makes good training provision great? Well, we believe training starts with the people. Ask anyone about a time they learnt something that really changed their life, it will always come back to the person who taught them. Our trainers ALL have a minimum 5+ years of field experience. That’s time on site, up tower and inside turbines. Working in real world spaces, alongside their fellow technicians, gathering vast amounts of knowledge, skills and expertise.

Brandon McKelvain, our Training Manager, is undoubtably one of the most recognised, respected and influential instructors in the US today. He is the go-to guy and happily supports not only STL USA staff and customers, but also a wide array of other training providers, suppliers, manufacturers, forums, conferences and commentators, sharing his unbeatable knowledge freely. He is a man commited to the betterment of the future of wind energy and knows that means being a true team player, even on a global scale.

Another key member of the training team is Marshall Miller, recently shortlisted for the GWO Instructor of the Year 2024. Marshall’s experience prior to joining STL USA demands respect from not only those he trains, but the guys working alongside him. Marshall was quoted recently, saying,

“I love teaching wind techs because it’s where I come from. There is nothing better than getting techs in my classes and watching them leave thinking differently about the risks and hazards in their real world workplaces. Many techs get complacent regarding their safety and that of those working alongside them.

I love teaching for STL USA as they share the same passion and vision I do in the importance of quality training for wind techs. We are different to the average training provider. We provide exceptional levels of training, going above and beyond the standard requirements, because we know it’s about more than just getting certified. It’s about protecting people’s lives.”

We don’t think it’s too bold a statement to make to say we have the best training team in the US right now, and are immensely proud of the work they do and the passion and dedication they bring each and every single day.

Equipment & Facitilies:

Equipment and facilities is another area that can make or break great training provision. They say a bad workman blames his tools, we flip that on its head by saying great training doesn’t happen using substandard equipment. We use a wide range of rescue and training equipment and every single piece has been selected by our training team as the absolute best in market. We don’t cut corners and only partner with companies whose vision and values align with ours – Integrity and Quality.

Our training facilities have been specifically designed and built to as closely reflect the real-world environments wind technicians will face out in the field as possible. By creating realistic spaces and scenarios, we teach them the skills and competency to be able to deal with life or death situations with confidence. There’s a lot that can be learned in the classroom and online, but we’d rather the practical skills are obtained in a safe, controlled, supported environment, rather than your first time up an actual wind turbine!

Training in real-world settings:

Our on-site training provision really sets us head and shoulders above, as the teams can not only train technicians in the actual environment they’ll be working in, but then work in collaboration with the whole team to design and train 100% bespoke rescue plans for them, cutting no corners, making no assumptions or generalisations. Ask anyone who already works in wind and they will tell you very quickly just how priceless this kind of service really is.

If you’re interested in learning more about STL USA’s unique and excellent approach to how we deliver training, click the box below to get in touch.

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What is GWO certification?

What is the Global Wind Organisation and what is GWO certification?

What is the Global Wind Organisation (GWO)?

The Global Wind Organisation (GWO) is a non-profit body that was established by leading wind turbine manufacturers and operators. Its primary mission is to ensure a safer and more productive work environment for those employed in the wind energy industry through the creation and standardization of safety training and emergency procedures.

Key Objectives of GWO

  1. Standardization of Training

    • Uniform Safety Standards: GWO aims to create and maintain standardized training programs and safety protocols that are recognized globally, ensuring a consistent level of safety and competence across the wind energy sector.
    • Quality Assurance: By setting high standards for training providers, GWO ensures that all training is delivered to the same high level of quality and effectiveness.
  2. Safety and Risk Reduction

    • Incident Prevention: Through comprehensive training modules, GWO aims to significantly reduce the number of accidents and incidents in the wind energy industry.
    • Emergency Preparedness: GWO training equips workers with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively in emergency situations, thereby minimizing potential harm.
  3. Enhancing Competence

    • Skilled Workforce: By certifying workers in essential safety practices and technical skills, GWO helps to cultivate a highly skilled and competent workforce in the wind energy sector.
    • Continuous Improvement: GWO continuously updates and improves its training standards to reflect the latest industry practices and technological advancements.

GWO Training Standards

GWO offers a variety of training modules, which are typically divided into Basic Safety Training (BST) and Advanced modules. Key training modules include:

  1. Basic Safety Training (BST)

    • First Aid: Training on basic first aid techniques and emergency response.
    • Manual Handling: Instruction on safe manual handling techniques to prevent injury.
    • Fire Awareness: Education on fire prevention, firefighting, and evacuation procedures.
    • Working at Heights: Training on safe practices for working at heights, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Sea Survival: For offshore workers, training on survival techniques in the event of an emergency at sea.
  2. Advanced Modules

    • Advanced Rescue Training (ART): Training on complex rescue scenarios and techniques.
    • Enhanced First Aid (EFA): More in-depth first aid training tailored to the wind industry.

Membership and Governance

GWO is governed by its member companies, which include some of the largest and most influential wind turbine manufacturers and operators in the world. These members collaborate to develop and update GWO training standards and ensure they meet the evolving needs of the industry.

What is GWO Certification?

GWO (Global Wind Organisation) certification is a set of standardized training programs and safety guidelines designed for personnel working in the wind energy industry. The certification is developed and governed by the Global Wind Organisation, a non-profit body founded by leading wind turbine manufacturers and operators. The goal of GWO certification is to ensure that all wind energy workers possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs safely and effectively.

Key GWO Training Modules

The GWO Basic Safety Training (BST) standard includes several core modules:

  1. First Aid: Training on basic first aid techniques, including CPR, wound treatment, and emergency response.
  2. Manual Handling: Instruction on safe lifting techniques and ergonomics to prevent injuries related to manual handling tasks.
  3. Fire Awareness: Education on fire prevention, firefighting techniques, and safe evacuation procedures.
  4. Working at Heights: Training on safe practices for working at heights, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) like harnesses and fall arrest systems.
  5. Sea Survival: For offshore wind workers, training on survival techniques in the event of an emergency at sea, including the use of life-saving equipment.

Additionally, there are advanced modules such as GWO Advanced Rescue Training (ART), which covers more complex rescue scenarios and techniques.

Why Do Wind Technicians Need GWO Certification?

1. Safety Assurance

  • Risk Mitigation: Working on wind turbines involves significant risks, including falls from height, electrical hazards, and adverse weather conditions. GWO certification ensures that technicians are well-trained to recognize and mitigate these risks.
  • Standardized Safety Practices: The certification provides a standardized approach to safety, ensuring that all technicians adhere to the same high standards, regardless of where they work.

2. Compliance with Industry Standards

  • Employer Requirements: Many wind turbine manufacturers and operators require GWO certification as a minimum standard for employment. This ensures that all workers meet a consistent level of competency.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In some regions, GWO certification helps companies comply with local safety regulations and occupational health standards.

3. Operational Efficiency

  • Reduced Accidents: Well-trained technicians are less likely to have accidents, which can lead to fewer disruptions and lower costs related to injuries and equipment damage.
  • Improved Skills: GWO training equips technicians with the skills needed to perform their tasks efficiently and safely, leading to improved overall operational performance.

4. Professional Development

  • Career Advancement: Holding a GWO certification can enhance a technician’s credentials, making them more attractive to employers and opening up opportunities for career advancement.
  • Continual Learning: GWO certification programs often require periodic refresher courses, ensuring that technicians stay up-to-date with the latest safety practices and technological advancements in the industry.


GWO certification is a crucial component for anyone working in the wind energy sector. It ensures that wind technicians are adequately trained to handle the unique risks associated with their jobs, promotes industry-wide safety standards, helps companies comply with regulations, and supports the professional growth of the technicians. By standardizing training and safety practices, GWO certification plays a key role in fostering a safer and more efficient working environment in the wind energy industry.

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ANNOUNCEMENT – STL USA partners with OEL Worldwide

STL USA is proud to announce its latest partner, OEL Worldwide

STL USA is excited to announce that we are partnering with the incomparable OEL to provide PPE equipment and arc flash clothing for our QEW NFPA 70E standard Low and High Voltage Electrical Safety Training course.

OEL Worldwide Industries is a company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing electrical safety products, including personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers exposed to electrical hazards. Their product line includes items such as arc flash protective clothing, insulated tools, and electrical safety devices. Their products are all 100% American made and of the very highest quality and they share STL USA’s core value of putting worker safety as a priority above all else.

Here are some of the key things that make OEL world-leaders in PPE provision for the wind industry.

  • Specialization: OEL Worldwide Industries focuses specifically on electrical safety, providing specialized products designed to protect workers from electrical hazards like arc flash, shock, and electrocution.
  • Expertise: Their deep knowledge and expertise in electrical safety allow them to design and produce highly effective and reliable safety gear.
  • Standards Compliance: Their products comply with rigorous safety standards such as NFPA 70E, ASTM, and OSHA regulations, ensuring maximum protection for users
  • Advanced Materials: OEL uses advanced materials and technologies to enhance the protective properties of their PPE, ensuring it meets the latest safety standards and provides superior protection.
This partnership brings together two companies that are passionate in delivering the very best in training and working safely for those in the wind sector.
We look forward to a long and very successful future working alongside OEL.

Book your NFPA 70E course

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What is NFPA 70E?

What is NFPA 70E and why is it important for Wind Techs?

STL USA proudly offers our Low and High Voltage Electrical Safety Training that conforms the national NFPA 70E standard. The training course we offer is a wind-specific, face-to-face training program designed to equip wind technicians with the electrical safety knowledge, best work practices in electrical safety, and how to apply them in real-world situations.

Here we delve into a bit more detail regarding what the NFPA 70E actually means and why it’s so important for those of us working with wind turbines.

NFPA 70E is the National Fire Protection Association’s standard for electrical safety in the workplace. It provides guidelines to protect workers from electrical hazards, including shock, arc flash, and arc blast. The standard covers safety-related work practices, safety-related maintenance requirements, and other administrative controls to ensure safe work environments when employees are exposed to electrical hazards.

How is this applicable to working in Wind Turbines?

Working on wind turbines involves exposure to various electrical hazards, making NFPA 70E highly relevant. Here’s how NFPA 70E applies to the wind energy sector:

  1. Electrical Safety Program

    • Wind energy companies must develop an ESP tailored to the specific risks associated with wind turbines. This includes procedures for safe work on electrical components, such as generators, inverters, transformers, and control systems.
  2. Training

    • Employees working on wind turbines must be trained in electrical safety according to NFPA 70E standards. This includes understanding the specific electrical hazards associated with wind turbines and the safe work practices required to mitigate these risks.
  3. Work Practices

    • Safe work practices, including LOTO procedures, are critical when servicing wind turbines. LOTO ensures that electrical systems are de-energized and cannot be accidentally re-energized during maintenance.
    • Proper use of PPE, such as insulated gloves, arc-rated clothing, and face shields, is essential to protect against shock and arc flash hazards.
  4. Maintenance

    • Regular maintenance and inspection of electrical components within the wind turbine, such as the generator, control panels, and wiring, must be performed according to NFPA 70E guidelines to ensure their safe operation.
  5. Risk Assessment

    • Conducting risk assessments for tasks involving electrical work on wind turbines is crucial. This includes identifying potential arc flash hazards, determining arc flash boundaries, and specifying required PPE and safety measures.
  6. PPE and Arc Flash Protection

    • Wind turbine technicians must use appropriate PPE to protect against arc flash incidents. NFPA 70E provides guidelines for determining the arc flash boundary and selecting the right PPE based on the incident energy level.
    • Arc flash labels must be placed on electrical equipment to indicate the potential hazard and required PPE, helping technicians quickly identify the necessary precautions.

Specific Examples in Wind Turbines

  1. Generator Maintenance

    • When servicing the wind turbine generator, technicians must follow LOTO procedures to ensure it is de-energized. They should wear arc-rated clothing and use insulated tools to prevent electrical shock and arc flash incidents.
  2. Control Panel Work

    • Technicians working on control panels within the nacelle must perform a risk assessment to determine the arc flash hazard. Appropriate PPE, such as an arc flash suit and face shield, should be worn to protect against potential arc flash.
  3. Cable Inspections

    • Inspecting and maintaining the cabling that runs from the nacelle to the transformer requires adherence to NFPA 70E standards. This includes verifying de-energization and using insulated gloves and protective clothing.

As you can see, high quality QEW Electrical Safety training is essentail for safely working in wind turbines, it’s vital importance cannot be overlooked.

The STL USA QEW training is a 2-day course covering 2 modules, for low and high voltage, and is easily tagged onto the end of any of our other training courses taken at our sate of the art facilities in Abilene, Texas. Modules can be taken together over the 2 days or individually as required.

We are also a Siemens approved provider for QEW training to NFPA 70E low voltage, vital for anyone wishing to work in or around Siemens turbines.

Book your QEW NFPA 70E course

Click the button to book now.