The changing face of the wind technician

three wind technicians o a wind farm. The changing face of the wind technician

The Evolving Role of Wind Technicians in the Renewable Energy Landscape

As renewable energies have moved from the fringes to the mainstream of global energy production, the role of wind technicians has evolved significantly. Once considered a niche job, the position of a wind technician is now a cornerstone of the burgeoning wind energy industry. These skilled professionals are essential in ensuring the operational efficiency and safety of wind turbines, which are critical components in the shift towards sustainable energy. This article delves into the role of wind technicians, highlighting how the job has transformed over the years.

What is a Wind Technician?

A wind technician, also known as a wind turbine technician, is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of wind turbines. These professionals play a vital role in the operation of wind farms, ensuring that turbines function optimally to generate electricity. The primary duties of a wind technician include:

  • Installation: Setting up new wind turbines, which involves assembling mechanical components, electrical systems, and ensuring proper alignment.
  • Maintenance: Performing regular inspections and preventive maintenance to keep turbines running smoothly. This includes checking the mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems.
  • Repair: Diagnosing and fixing issues that arise, such as mechanical failures or electrical malfunctions. This often requires climbing tall towers and working in confined spaces.

The Early Days of Wind Technology

When wind energy was in its infancy, the role of a wind technician was relatively straightforward but highly demanding. Early turbines were smaller and less complex, but they required frequent maintenance due to technological limitations and wear and tear. Technicians often worked in isolated, rural areas with minimal infrastructure, making the job physically challenging and sometimes hazardous.

In the early days, the primary focus was on basic mechanical skills. Technicians needed to be adept at using hand tools, understanding simple electrical circuits, and performing routine maintenance tasks. Safety protocols were less stringent, and the job required a high degree of manual labor and physical endurance.

The Transformation of Wind Technology

As renewable energy gained prominence, the wind energy sector experienced significant technological advancements. Turbines grew in size and complexity, incorporating sophisticated electronics, advanced materials, and cutting-edge control systems. These changes have had a profound impact on the role of wind technicians.

  1. Increased Complexity: Modern wind turbines are marvels of engineering, featuring advanced sensors, computerized control systems, and aerodynamic designs. Wind technicians now need a solid understanding of electronics, software, and hydraulics in addition to traditional mechanical skills.

  2. Safety Enhancements: The industry has seen a substantial improvement in safety standards. Enhanced safety gear, rigorous training programs, and strict adherence to safety protocols have made the job safer. Technicians are trained in rescue operations and first aid, and they must follow stringent guidelines to mitigate risks associated with working at heights and in confined spaces.

  3. Predictive Maintenance: The shift from reactive to predictive maintenance has transformed the day-to-day activities of wind technicians. Using data analytics and real-time monitoring systems, technicians can predict potential issues before they cause turbine failures. This proactive approach reduces downtime and increases the overall efficiency of wind farms.

  4. Remote Monitoring: Advances in technology allow for remote monitoring of turbine performance. Wind technicians can now diagnose issues and sometimes even resolve them without needing to be physically present at the turbine site. This reduces the need for on-site visits and allows technicians to manage multiple turbines more effectively.

  5. Specialization and Training: With the increasing complexity of wind turbines, specialized training programs have become essential. Technicians often undergo extensive training, including certification programs offered by organizations like the Global Wind Organization (GWO). These programs cover a wide range of skills, from basic turbine maintenance to advanced electrical and hydraulic systems.

The Modern Wind Technician

Today’s wind technician is a highly skilled professional who combines physical dexterity with technical expertise. The role requires a mix of skills, including:

  • Technical Knowledge: Proficiency in electronics, software, and mechanical systems is crucial. Technicians must be able to interpret complex technical diagrams and troubleshoot advanced systems.
  • Safety Consciousness: A strong commitment to safety is essential. Technicians must adhere to strict safety protocols and use protective equipment to prevent accidents.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to quickly diagnose and fix issues is vital. Technicians often work under pressure to restore turbines to full operation as quickly as possible.
  • Physical Fitness: The job remains physically demanding. Climbing tall structures, working in confined spaces, and enduring various weather conditions require a high level of physical fitness and endurance.
  • Adaptability: The renewable energy sector is dynamic, with continuous advancements in technology. Wind technicians must be willing to learn and adapt to new tools, techniques, and systems.

The Future of Wind Technicians

The role of wind technicians will continue to evolve as the renewable energy sector grows and innovates. Future advancements may include the use of drones for inspections, further integration of artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance, and the development of even more sophisticated turbine technology.

In conclusion, the role of wind technicians has transformed dramatically since the early days of wind energy. From basic mechanical maintenance to managing complex, high-tech systems, wind technicians are at the forefront of the renewable energy revolution. As the industry continues to evolve, these professionals will play an increasingly critical role in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of wind power, contributing significantly to the global push for sustainable energy solutions.

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The wind industry – where are we now and what does the future look like?

The US wind industry is growing rapidly, so what do we need to consider to ensure a robust future?

The wind industry in the United States has experienced significant growth and development over the past few decades. Here is a summary of its current state:

Growth and Capacity

  • Installed Capacity: As of 2023, the U.S. has over 140 GW of installed wind power capacity. This capacity is expected to continue growing as more projects come online.
  • Annual Additions: In recent years, the U.S. has been adding around 10-12 GW of wind capacity annually. This trend is driven by both onshore and offshore wind projects.

Economic Impact

  • Job Creation: The wind industry supports over 120,000 jobs across various sectors, including manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and support services.
  • Investment: Wind energy projects attract significant investments, with billions of dollars invested annually. This includes both domestic and international investors.

Technological Advancements

  • Turbine Efficiency: Technological advancements have led to more efficient and larger turbines. The average capacity of newly installed wind turbines has increased, leading to greater energy output per turbine.
  • Grid Integration: Improvements in grid integration technologies and energy storage solutions are helping to address the intermittent nature of wind power, making it a more reliable energy source.

Policy and Regulation

  • Incentives: Federal and state incentives, such as the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and Investment Tax Credit (ITC), have been crucial in supporting the growth of the wind industry. These incentives help reduce the cost of wind projects and make them more competitive with other energy sources.
  • State Policies: Many states have set renewable portfolio standards (RPS) that require a certain percentage of energy to come from renewable sources, including wind. These state-level policies drive local demand for wind energy.

Environmental Impact

  • Emissions Reduction: Wind power plays a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It displaces fossil fuel-based power generation, contributing to cleaner air and lower carbon footprints.
  • Land Use and Wildlife: There are ongoing efforts to minimize the impact of wind farms on wildlife and local ecosystems. This includes careful site selection and technology to reduce bird and bat fatalities.


  • Intermittency: The intermittent nature of wind energy remains a challenge. However, advances in energy storage and grid management are mitigating these issues.
  • Supply Chain: The wind industry faces supply chain challenges, including the sourcing of materials and components. The growth of the industry depends on a robust and resilient supply chain.
  • Community Acceptance: Gaining community acceptance for wind projects, especially in populated or scenic areas, can be challenging. Engagement and communication with local communities are essential for project success.

Overall, the wind industry in the U.S. is in a strong position with continued growth and development expected in the coming years. Investments in technology, supportive policies, and increased capacity are driving the industry towards a significant role in the nation’s energy mix.

The lack of wind technicians in the USA poses several significant issues for the wind energy industry. Here are the primary challenges and impacts associated with this shortage:

Key Issues

  1. Maintenance and Reliability
    • Increased Downtime: Without sufficient technicians, routine maintenance and repairs can be delayed, leading to increased downtime for wind turbines. This reduces the overall efficiency and reliability of wind farms.
    • Risk of Damage: Delays in addressing minor issues can lead to more significant damage over time, increasing repair costs and potential safety hazards.
  2. Economic Impact
    • Higher Costs: The shortage of technicians can drive up labor costs as companies compete for a limited pool of qualified workers. This can increase the overall cost of wind energy production.
    • Delayed Projects: The lack of available technicians can delay the commissioning of new wind projects, impacting timelines and potentially leading to financial losses for developers.
  3. Safety Concerns
    • Overworked Technicians: Existing technicians may be overworked due to high demand, leading to fatigue and increased risk of accidents. Ensuring the safety of workers is a critical concern in the industry.
    • Quality of Training: In an effort to fill positions quickly, there might be a temptation to reduce training duration or quality, which can compromise safety and effectiveness.
  4. Growth and Expansion
    • Stalled Development: The expansion of wind farms may be hindered by the lack of technicians, as developers might be hesitant to invest in new projects without a reliable workforce to maintain them.
    • Impact on Targets: National and state renewable energy targets could be jeopardized if the growth of wind energy is slowed due to labor shortages.
  5. Regional Disparities
    • Rural Challenges: Many wind farms are located in rural areas where it is more difficult to attract and retain skilled workers. This exacerbates the technician shortage in these regions.
    • Training Accessibility: Access to quality training programs might be limited in certain areas, making it harder for local communities to supply the needed workforce.

Addressing the Shortage

  1. Education and Training Programs
    • Expand Programs: Increasing the number of wind technician training programs at technical schools and community colleges can help meet demand.
    • Partnerships: Collaboration between the wind industry and educational institutions can ensure that training programs align with industry needs and standards.
  2. Attracting Talent
    • Awareness Campaigns: Promoting the benefits and opportunities of a career as a wind technician can attract new talent to the field.
    • Incentives: Offering competitive salaries, benefits, and career advancement opportunities can make the profession more attractive.
  3. Retention Strategies
    • Work-Life Balance: Implementing policies that support work-life balance can help retain existing technicians and reduce turnover.
    • Continuing Education: Providing ongoing training and professional development opportunities can enhance job satisfaction and retention.
  4. Utilizing Technology
    • Remote Monitoring: Advances in remote monitoring and predictive maintenance technologies can reduce the physical demand on technicians and optimize their use.
    • Automation: Incorporating automated systems for routine inspections and minor repairs can alleviate some of the burdens on human technicians.
  5. Policy Support
    • Government Initiatives: Federal and state governments can support workforce development initiatives, including funding for training programs and incentives for hiring and retaining technicians.
    • Regulatory Support: Streamlining certification and licensing processes for wind technicians can make it easier to enter and progress in the field.

By addressing these issues through targeted strategies and investments, the wind industry can mitigate the technician shortage and continue its growth trajectory, contributing to a more sustainable energy future.

We asked one of our value clients for their thoughts.

“I’m quite confident in the short term of the wind industry (20 – 30 years) however long term is to be determined.  I believe wind will always have a place in the energy sector however new technologies are always being explored and maybe the next generation will call for something different, as we did from the coal generation.  My father spent his career building coal fired power plants and they were the energy heroes of the day, especially during the energy crises.  People are always looking for new and improved ways to be more ecofriendly and energy efficient and want to be part of change.  I’m excited where we go from here as maybe we are the steppingstone to the next big thing.”

The STL USA view

We’re excited for the future of wind in the USA. However, we as an industry, especially in the short term, need to do much more to attract the committed skilled workers the sector will need to flourish over the coming years. The industry hasn’t historically done a great job of promoting the careers on offer, it’s led to a supply/demand imbalance in terms of workforce and is perhaps one reason why salaries on offer are so high. Despite this however it’s a great industry to get into, with stable jobs, advancement opportunity, and a bright future. STL USA are committed to playing are part to attract the next generation of wind technicians with programs like WindStart and we’re excited to see what the future brings.

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The future of wind – why GWO certification is just the start.

GWO certification for safety

GWO training providers are increasing in number rapidly. But GWO certification is just the start?

GWO (Global Wind Organisation) certification refers to a set of standardized training programs and certificates designed for professionals working in the wind energy industry. The certification is provided by the Global Wind Organisation, an industry-led body established by wind turbine manufacturers and owners to ensure a safe work environment and set a global standard for safety and technical training. Numerous training and education companies provide GWO Training Courses that meet the training standards, STL USA is one such provider.

Key Components of GWO Certification:
  1. Basic Safety Training (BST):
    • First Aid: Training in emergency response and first aid specific to the wind industry.
    • Manual Handling: Techniques for safe manual handling of loads to prevent injuries.
    • Fire Awareness: Training to handle fire-related incidents and use firefighting equipment.
    • Working at Heights: Safety measures and practices for working at heights, including use of fall protection equipment.
    • Sea Survival: (Optional) Training for offshore wind turbine technicians, covering survival at sea and transfer techniques.
  2. Basic Technical Training (BTT):
    • Covers bolt tightening, mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems in wind turbines.
    • Aimed at technicians who are new to the wind industry and need to understand the technical aspects of wind turbines.
  3. Advanced Rescue Training (ART):
    • More specialized safety training for those who need advanced knowledge and skills.
    • Includes modules like hub and nacelle rescue and signgle rescuer options

Purpose and Benefits:

  • Safety: Ensures that all personnel working in the wind industry are trained to a high safety standard, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Standardization: Provides a consistent training standard recognized globally, facilitating easier mobility of workers across different projects and regions.
  • Compliance: Helps companies comply with regulatory and safety requirements in various countries.
  • Efficiency: Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of wind energy projects by ensuring that workers are well-prepared for the technical and safety challenges they might face.

GWO certification is highly regarded in the wind energy sector and is often a prerequisite for employment in various roles within the industry.

While GWO accreditation is highly valuable and essential for working safely in the wind energy industry, it is not sufficient on its own for a few reasons. Additional training, certifications, and skills are often required to fully prepare individuals for the complexities of working on wind turbines. Here’s why:

1. Technical Expertise:
  • Specialized Skills: Working on wind turbines requires specific technical knowledge and skills that go beyond basic safety and technical training. This includes understanding the mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems unique to different turbine models.
  • Manufacturer-Specific Training: Many turbine manufacturers provide specialized training for their specific models, which is necessary to understand the nuances and proprietary technology of their equipment.
2. Experience and Practical Training:
  • Hands-On Experience: GWO training includes practical components, but actual field experience is crucial for developing the proficiency needed to handle real-world scenarios and unexpected issues that may arise during maintenance and repair work.
  • On-the-Job Training: Working under the supervision of experienced technicians and engineers helps new workers apply their training in real-world settings, which is critical for building competence and confidence.
3. Advanced and Specialized Certifications:
  • Further Certifications: There are additional certifications and training programs beyond GWO that may be required, such as high voltage safety, rope access techniques (IRATA/SPRAT), and advanced rescue operations.
  • Professional Licenses: In some regions, specific professional licenses or certifications may be required to perform certain tasks or to comply with local regulations.
4. Regulatory and Company-Specific Requirements:
  • Compliance with Local Regulations: Different countries and regions may have their own safety and technical training requirements that go beyond GWO standards. Workers need to be aware of and comply with these local regulations.
  • Company-Specific Training: Individual companies may have their own training programs and safety protocols that workers need to follow, which can include company-specific emergency procedures, operational guidelines, and additional safety measures.
5. Continuing Education and Skill Development:
  • Ongoing Learning: The wind energy industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and best practices emerging regularly. Continuous professional development and staying updated with the latest advancements are crucial.
  • Advanced Technical Skills: As technology evolves, workers may need to acquire advanced technical skills, such as familiarity with SCADA systems, data analysis, and remote monitoring technologies.
6. Soft Skills and Team Coordination:
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for coordinating with team members, especially in complex and potentially hazardous environments.
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Working on wind turbines often requires quick thinking and problem-solving abilities to address unexpected challenges safely and efficiently.
7. Health and Fitness:
  • Physical Demands: The job can be physically demanding, requiring a good level of fitness and the ability to work at heights and in various weather conditions. Regular health and fitness assessments may be necessary to ensure workers can meet these demands safely.

In conclusion, while GWO accreditation provides a critical foundation in safety and basic technical skills, it must be complemented by additional training, experience, certifications, and compliance with local regulations and company-specific requirements to fully prepare individuals for the comprehensive demands of working on wind turbines.

Here’s STL USA’s Training Manager, Brandon McKelvain’s view on the current landscape around GWO accreditations –

“The strength of the GWO accreditations is in basic safety and rescue training. The standards are laid out in a simple consistent method. The Taxonomy Framework is excellent for developing content and courses. The “generic approach” found in GWO standards is very effective for introducing participants to a verity of PPE and rescue kits.

However, the depth of basic technical is insufficient and the certification being enduring presents a problem for improvements. More advanced technical knowledge, skills, and abilities are essential for wind technicians before entering the field and unfortunately this isn’t happening.

In addition to GWO accreditations, I think the ACP’s Micro Credentials are an excellent step in the right direction. We’ve made it a point to start integrating these into our training courses. In doing so, technicians know how to apply their skills, which is essential for technicians.”

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WindStart for employers – Hiring new wind technicians

Hiring new wind technicians


Hiring new wind technicians is one of the biggest challenges we face in the USA both now and into the future. There is huge growth potential in the wind industry but to achieve it we need to dramatically expand the workforce.

Unfortunately hiring new wind technicians is also time consuming and expensive. Firstly there is the recruitment process then the new employee needs to be trained not only to do the job but also they need to gain industry certification – GWO being the main accreditation. Added together and the cost of a new hire at the start of their career is significant, $10’s of thousands of dollars.

So how do we solve this, how do we create a flow of new people who will stay the course with wind, train them and do it all for a budget that makes sense?

WindStart for Employers

STL USA has created the WindStart program to address these challenges head-on.

WindStart for employers is both a hiring and training solution combined. The program is designed to filter out the best students, train them and give them the core certification required by the wind industry. As a solution is saves employers time and money.

WindStart allows employers to streamline their new hire process, reducing fees, admin and risk. 

The WindStart Training Program

The perfect entry point to the wind industry

STL USA specializes in teaching new and experienced wind technicians across a variety of disciplines and accreditations. This includes a complete range of GWO accreditations (the industry standard), Qualified Electrical Worker to NFPA 70E and a full spectrum of introductory and intermediate technical courses across all aspects of the common platforms (GE, Siemens, Vestas etc)

STL USA has built a reputation for training excellence and quality. That’s why companies like GE and Siemens trust STL USA to deliver on training.


How does it work

From an employers perspective it’s super simple.

The employer sign-up process simply needs to define how many new hires are required and over what time period alongside any educational requirements and soft skills. 

STL USA then do the rest, including:

  • Managing a 3-step process which includes a written application, face to face interview and screening
  • Students who pass this are then enrolled onto the training program
  • Once students graduate STL USA then places students into the roles the employer has committed to the program


WindStart is designed to be cost efficient for employers, cutting down on hiring expenses, admin, training costs and more.

The base fee for employers is $9,000 per role. This includes the entire search, selection application process and 4 weeks training. Training includes over $10,000 of industry accreditation – GWO Basic Safety, GWO Basic Technical, GWO Advanced Rescue, QEW – NFPA 70E and a week long technical intro to wind.


The benefits of WindStart are clear. For more information click the link below.


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Specialized GWO and skills training courses from STL USA

Crane and Hoist, Slinger Signaller courses available


This year, STL USA have added a number of new, more specialized courses to our roster to help boost skills and comptency training for Wind Technicians outside of the standard GWO accreditation requirements. Below is a quick overview of each course, either click the button at the bottom of the page to learn more or drop us an email at for more information.

GWO Lift & 3S CAS?

The GWO lift course ensures participants learn to take responsibility to support and care for themselves and others while operating and working on a lift in the wind industry.

Add a 3S Climb Auto System cert to the GWO training or take this as a stand alone course.

The WindStart Program

The perfect entry point to the wind industry

STL USA specializes in teaching new and experienced wind technicians across a variety of disciplines and accreditations. This includes a complete range of GWO accreditations (the industry standard), NFPA 70E electrical safety training and a full spectrum of introductory and intermediate technical courses across all aspects of the common platforms (GE, Siemens, Vestas etc)

Why Windstart and the wind industry?

The wind sector is growing quickly across the USA as the nation looks to diversify its energy sources. Initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act are providing significant funding for wind projects and all this against a backdrop of an industry crying out for new workers. WindStart puts employees in pole position to be hired onto high paying jobs.

  • Wind salaries are way above national averages
  • Renewable energy will need 500,000 plus new workers by 2030
  • Projects continue to launch at pace, the industry is desperate for new talent
  • WindStart provides all the standard accreditations wind tech’s need to get straight to work

Confined Space Awareness

Designed for those individuals who are responsible for managing and overseeing employees working in confined space activities.

Gearbox & Borescope

STL USA’s Gearbox & Borescope Overview course is a 3-day training course designed to introduce the wind turbine gearbox and the use of a Borescope. The course covers gearbox fundamentals, the use and management of the borescope as a diagnosis tool, and troubleshooting basics across a range of scenarios. 

Course attendees will get hands-on with a turbine gearbox and borescope through the course alongside theory modules. This course is run in partnership with Evident Scientific the leader in borescope technology.

GWO Slinger Signaller

GWO’s slinger signaller training course teaches participants how to conduct slinging techniques and signaling during simple lifting operations specific to the wind industry, meaning lifts conducted based on a lifting plan or covering known hazards.

Single module course

1.5 days duration

GWO Crane & Hoist

GWO’s Crane & Hoist training course teaches participants the ability to take responsibility as a basic user to safely operate, inspect and maintain common types of fixed cranes and hoists in WTG environment on basic lifts while following manufactures’ manuals and relevant documentation and legislation. The course is split into two modules, each 1.5 days in duration

Crane & Hoist user

1.5 days duration 

Crane & Hoist inspection and maintenance

1.5 days duration

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Tackling the wind technician shortage

The Uptime Podcast - tackling the wind technician shortage

Tackling the wind technician shortage - Listen Now.

STL USA were honoured to be asked to feature on the Uptime Podcast – the No.1 Wind Energy podcast recently, to share their thoughts and experiences on how we can start to address the wind technician shortage in the industry.

Allen Hall and Joel Saxum speak with Brandon McKelvain and Jeremy McKelvain discuss their trailblazing WindStart program. They visited STL’s impressive training facilities in Abilene, Texas and discovered how the organization is addressing the critical shortage of wind technicians through hands-on, industry-focused education.

Listen to the podcast here.

Gearbox and Borescope training course overview

Gearbox and Boroscope training course


*Next Course Dates: July 1st, July 15th, July 22nd, July 29th 2024*

STL USA, in partnership with Evident Scientific, world-leaders in boroscope technology, are proud to be the ONLY training provider in the US to run this course for Gearbox and Borescope training course.

Run out of our world-class facilities in Abilene, TX, the Gearbox & Borescope training course is a 3-day training course designed to introduce the wind turbine gearbox and the use of a Boroscope. The course, which includes exclusive real-world equipment and skills training, covers gearbox fundamentals, the use and management of the borescope as a diagnosis tool, and troubleshooting basics across a range of scenarios. 

Course attendees will get invaluable hands-on experience with a turbine gearbox and borescope through the course alongside theory modules.

What is a Borescope?

A borescope is an optical device consisting of a rigid or flexible tube with an eyepiece or display on one end, an objective lens or camera on the other linked together by an optical or electrical system in between. They are a vital piece of equipment for monitoring for wear and possible failure in hard to reach wind turbine gearboxes. Regular inspecition can highlight issues such as potential fractures, rubbing, corrosion and other defects early on, meaning they can be rectified, reducing downtime and extending the life of the gearbox.

Why do I need a borescope training course?

Borescopes are becoming more and more prevalent in wind turbine gearbox maintenance as a cost-effective way for companies and manufacturers to keep turbines spinning. Replacing a gearbox comes with huge financial burdens, not just the cost of the gearbox itself, but down time of the turbine as well as people and time resource to replace the gearbox. This course upskills Wind Technicians to competently be able to use borescopes to monitor gearbox health, making them highly desirable to employers.

Course availability

The first Gearbox and Borescope training course sold out almost immediately, such was demand by both wind techs and employers. The next course on the 17th June is already fully booked. After that there will be another course starting on the 1st July, so be sure to secure your place by registering your interest on attending the course.

Course overview

Training time: 3 days

Class size: Max 5

Course content:

Basic Wind Turbine Gearbox overview:

  • Gearbox purpose & safety
  • Drive train configurations
  • Gearbox types
  • Gearbox stages
  • Gears & bearings
  • Lubrication, filtration, and cooling systems
  • Condition monitoring systems
  • External inspections
  • Internal inspections
  • Forms of damage
  • Reporting

Basic Borescope device training:

Based on Evident Olympus IPLEX G Lite-W Ultra-Portable Videoscope for Wind Energy Technology and Evident Olympus IPLEX GT

  • Menus
  • Specifications
  • Reporting
  • Images
  • Maintenance and care
  • Operation
  • Hands-on use (exercise/activity)

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We need people to grow wind energy in the USA

grow wind ebergy in the USA

Attracting and Educating New Hires in the U.S. Wind Energy Sector

The wind energy sector in the United States is burgeoning, driven by increasing demand for sustainable energy sources and significant technological advancements. However, for the sector to realize its full potential, a substantial and skilled workforce is essential. This essay will explore strategies for attracting and educating new hires, emphasizing the critical roles of training providers, employers, and the education system.

As a direct result of this challenge, STL USA has created the WindStart program, a low to no-cost solution for people looking to get into wind and a hiring resource for employers.

The Importance of Workforce Development in Wind Energy

The U.S. wind energy sector is poised for significant growth. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, wind energy has the potential to supply 20% of the nation’s electricity by 2030, creating thousands of jobs in the process. However, this ambitious goal is contingent upon the availability of a well-trained workforce. The challenge lies not only in attracting new talent but also in equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in this dynamic industry.

Attracting New Talent

To attract new hires, the wind energy sector must address several key factors:

  1. Awareness and Outreach: Increasing public awareness about the opportunities within the wind energy sector is crucial. Outreach programs targeting high schools, colleges, and universities can highlight the benefits of a career in wind energy, including job stability, competitive salaries, and the opportunity to contribute to environmental sustainability.

  2. Incentives and Benefits: Offering attractive incentives and benefits can make careers in wind energy more appealing. This includes competitive salaries, health benefits, retirement plans, and opportunities for career advancement. Additionally, companies can provide relocation assistance and sign-on bonuses to attract top talent from other regions or industries.

  3. Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion within the workforce can help attract a broader range of candidates. This involves creating a welcoming and supportive work environment for all employees, regardless of gender, race, or background. Implementing diversity hiring initiatives and providing mentorship programs can enhance the sector’s appeal to underrepresented groups.

Educating and Training New Hires

Effective education and training programs are essential for developing a skilled workforce capable of meeting the demands of the wind energy sector. The following strategies can help achieve this goal:

  1. Collaborative Training Programs: Collaboration between industry leaders, educational institutions, and government agencies can lead to the development of comprehensive training programs. These programs should be designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. For example, partnerships between community colleges and wind energy companies can facilitate internships and apprenticeships, providing hands-on experience.

  2. Specialized Curriculum: Educational institutions must develop specialized curricula that align with industry needs. This includes courses in renewable energy technologies, electrical engineering, mechanical systems, and environmental science. Incorporating industry certifications and standards into the curriculum can ensure that graduates are job-ready.

  3. Continuing Education and Professional Development: The wind energy sector is characterized by rapid technological advancements. To keep pace, ongoing education and professional development are crucial. Employers should invest in continuous learning opportunities for their employees, such as workshops, online courses, and certification programs. This not only enhances employee skills but also fosters a culture of lifelong learning.

  4. Training Providers and Trade Schools: Trade schools and technical training providers play a significant role in preparing the workforce for wind energy careers. These institutions can offer specialized programs that focus on the practical aspects of wind turbine installation, maintenance, and repair. By providing targeted training, trade schools can quickly produce skilled technicians ready to enter the workforce.

The Role of Employers

Employers in the wind energy sector have a pivotal role in workforce development. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Industry Partnerships: Employers should actively engage with educational institutions and training providers to ensure that training programs align with industry needs. This can involve participating in curriculum development, offering internships, and providing feedback on program effectiveness.

  2. Workplace Learning: On-the-job training and apprenticeships are invaluable for developing practical skills. Employers should create structured training programs that allow new hires to learn from experienced professionals. Mentorship and coaching can further enhance the learning experience.

  3. Career Pathways: Establishing clear career pathways within the company can motivate employees to pursue long-term careers in wind energy. Employers should outline the progression opportunities available, from entry-level positions to advanced roles, and provide the necessary training and support to help employees advance.

The Role of Education Systems

Educational institutions, from high schools to universities, are integral to preparing the next generation of wind energy professionals. Their roles include:

  1. STEM Education: Promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education at all levels is fundamental. Early exposure to STEM subjects can spark interest in renewable energy careers. Schools should incorporate renewable energy topics into their curricula and provide hands-on learning experiences, such as science fairs and projects related to wind energy.

  2. Career Counseling: Effective career counseling services can guide students toward careers in wind energy. Counselors should be well-informed about the sector’s opportunities and requirements and provide students with resources and information about relevant educational and training programs.

  3. University Programs: Universities should offer specialized programs in renewable energy engineering, environmental science, and related fields. Research initiatives and partnerships with industry can provide students with practical experience and exposure to real-world challenges.


The growth of the U.S. wind energy sector hinges on the availability of a skilled and motivated workforce. Attracting and educating new hires requires a concerted effort from training providers, employers, and the education system. By raising awareness, offering competitive incentives, and developing comprehensive training programs, the sector can build a robust pipeline of talent. Employers must actively participate in workforce development, providing on-the-job training and clear career pathways. Educational institutions must promote STEM education, offer specialized curricula, and provide effective career counseling. Together, these efforts will ensure that the wind energy sector is well-equipped to meet the challenges of the future and drive the transition to a sustainable energy economy.

Want to get into wind? 

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Become a wind technician with WindStart

Become a wind technician

Start your wind technician career.

In our latest blog, we focus on how to become a wind technician with STL USA’s WindStart program. 

The WindStart program has been specifically designed to support people looking to get into the wind industry and the increasing demands of employers for new hires. The program includes a number of funding solutions that ensure the training course is low to no cost for many applicants. Employers join the program as hiring partners gaining access to a fully certified pool of new hires.

What is a Wind Technician?

Wind technicians install, inspect, maintain, operate, and repair wind turbines. Although technicians work across the full spectrum from installation to demolition and re-power the vast majority are involved in maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing turbines. Read more about the role on The Department Of Energy website,. here

What draws people to wind is the opportunity, salaries are high, and it truly is a career that can take you places. 

What is WindStart?

WindStart is a 3 or 4-week program designed to equip people new to wind with the industry certifications and basic knowledge to join new hire programs in wind. WindStart supercharges employability providing the candidate with key certification, including GWO and Electrical safety, plus a good basic grounding in skills and competency. This instantly places WindStart graduates at the top of the pile for hiring managers.

Am I guaranteed a job?

STL USA have a very large base of employers that are signed onto the program, many of these already use STL USA’s training services for their in house people and they are hiring large numbers of new people each year. On top of that the sector in the USA is growing fast, that’s not slowing down in the next 5-10 years. In fact hiring is probably one of the biggest challenges employers face, WindStart graduates are the most employable new hires in the country.

WindStart for employers

WindStart isn’t just about students. Becoming a wind technician is kind of difficult without employers to make it happen. The WindStart panel of employers have the pick of new hires that have passed through the program, come with GWO and Electrical safety qualifications and are commited to a career in wind energy. Employers have a bunch of options to make the program work for their new hire and training goals. They can simply pick up graduates as they come out of the program, they can shunt new hires they have sourced through the program or they can sponsor places in the program. The final option means STL USA will manage all the training and hiring needs for the employer.

Why is WindStart a better option for employers?

We all know how hard hiring is in wind energy at the moment, STL USA take care of this, train the candidate and hand them over to the employer ready to go saving significant amounts of time and money. Without WindStart employers have to go through the full hiring process, pay to get the person certified and take a big chance on whether that person will even work out.

How do i find out more?

Simply click the link below and regsiter your interest in the WindStart program, a member of the team will reach out to you and talk you through how WindStart can benefit you.


Interested in WindStart? 

Click the link to find out more 

Solving the Wind Energy Sector Recruitment Challenge in the US

Wind Energy Sector Recruitment

Navigating the Winds of Change.

As the United States continues to invest in clean and sustainable energy sources, the wind energy sector is poised for unprecedented growth in the next decade. However, with this promising future comes a significant challenge – the recruitment and training of skilled professionals to meet the industry’s escalating demands. To ensure a seamless transition to a greener tomorrow, addressing the wind energy sector’s recruitment challenge is imperative. This blog post explores key aspects such as funding, training initiatives, and strategic hiring approaches that can help overcome this challenge.

Funding initiatives

One of the primary hurdles in expanding the wind energy workforce is securing adequate funding for training programs and educational initiatives. To address this, collaboration between government bodies, private sector stakeholders, and educational institutions is crucial. Government incentives and grants should be made available to support the development of training programs specifically tailored to the wind energy sector. Programs such as the Inflation Reduction Act are a great step in the right direction.

Moreover, wind energy companies can establish partnerships with universities and vocational institutions to create scholarship programs and research grants. These initiatives not only attract potential talent but also contribute to the advancement of wind energy technology. By fostering a collaborative ecosystem, the industry can ensure a sustainable pipeline of skilled professionals.

Training the next generation

To meet the growing demand for skilled workers, it is essential to design comprehensive wind technician training programs that equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and practical skills. Wind energy companies should collaborate with educational institutions to develop specialized curricula that cover areas such as wind turbine technology, maintenance, and safety protocols.

Internship programs and apprenticeships can provide hands-on experience, allowing trainees to work alongside seasoned professionals. This real-world exposure not only enhances their skills but also provides a pathway for recruitment. Companies should actively engage with local communities to identify and nurture talent, promoting inclusivity and diversity within the industry.

Strategic Hiring Approaches

As the wind energy sector expands, companies need to adopt strategic hiring approaches to attract and retain top talent. Here are some key considerations:

a. Diversity and Inclusion: Actively promoting diversity and inclusion is essential for fostering innovation and ensuring a well-rounded workforce. Companies should implement policies that encourage the recruitment of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including women and underrepresented minorities.

b. Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Establishing strong ties with universities, community colleges, and vocational schools is crucial for identifying potential candidates early in their educational journey. Wind energy companies can contribute to curriculum development, provide guest lectures, and offer internships to create a direct talent pipeline.

c. Competitive Compensation Packages: To attract the best talent, wind energy companies must offer competitive compensation packages. Beyond salary, benefits such as professional development opportunities, health and wellness programs, and flexible work arrangements can enhance the overall appeal of the organization.

d. Embracing Technology: The wind energy sector is evolving rapidly, with technological advancements shaping the landscape. Companies should actively seek individuals with a passion for innovation and a willingness to adapt to emerging technologies. Investing in continuous training for existing employees also ensures that the workforce remains up-to-date with the latest developments.

Looking for roles in wind energy or a great hiring solution? Check on our partner recruitment site.

In conclusion, as the wind energy sector in the United States scales over the next decade, solving the recruitment challenge is paramount for sustained growth and success. By focusing on funding initiatives, developing robust training programs, and adopting strategic hiring approaches, the industry can build a skilled workforce capable of driving innovation and meeting the demands of a cleaner and more sustainable future. Through collaboration between government entities, educational institutions, and private sector stakeholders, the wind energy sector can overcome recruitment challenges and harness the full potential of wind power for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants.

Interested in training with STL USA? 

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