We like to keep our finger on the pulse of the wind energy sector so here’s our wind energy news round up with all the top stories from January.
The start of the year has been predictably busy so save some time and read through our wind energy news round up of all the top stories.
AWEA San Diego coming up.
We can’t wait for the AWEA Wind Project O&M and Safety conference at the end of September in San Diego. We’v got a detailed preview in our blog, here. STL will be exhibting, come and see us to talk all thing GWO training.
Budweiser embraces wind energy.

In Budweiser’s latest Super Bowl ad the brewer highlights its long term commitment to renewable energy. This kind of coverage is amazing for wind energy beaming directly into the homes of millions of consumers and leading the way in responsible energy sourcing.
In 2018 Budweiser announced its commitment to be brewed with 100% renewable electricity from wind power. To celebrate this they are showcasing the commitment on the biggest stage of all. Once again corporate America leads the way in committing to renewables.
Tufts launches M.S in offshore wind engineering.
The first of it’s kind in the USA the masters degrees is testament to the growth in the wind energy sector.
“If wind power is to continue its growth as an energy source, we need not only research and development, but also programs that educate a generation of engineers who are devoted to sustainable development and energy independence,”
comments Laurie Baise, professor and chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, via TuftsNow.
“This is a first step toward making climate and energy sustainability a priority.”
Interested in the course? Find out more here.
Canada joins international renewable energy agency.
Canada has officially become a member of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Joining 159 other countries countries in an organisation devoted to providing clean, sustainable energy for the world’s growing population. The announcement was made earlier this month by Amarjeet Sohi, Canada’s minister of natural resources.
IRENA helps countries to transition to renewable energy, providing a platform for international cooperation and learning on all things renewable energy.
Washington D.C mayor commits to 100% renewable by 2032.
With the mayor’s signing of the Clean Energy D.C. Omnibus Act of 2018, Washington, D.C., has officially committed to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2032. Joining states such as California and Hawaii as well as 100+ municipalities Washington D.C is the latest to formally commit to a 100% renewable energy goal. This is great news and shows how committed the US is to a sustainable energy future.
That’s it for our news round up we hope you’ve enjoyed the stories. All that’s left to say is see you in San Diego for the AWEA conference!